The Power of Belief

The Power of Belief

Belief is an exceptionally potent attribute to life.

Everything about our reality is shaped by our beliefs and values.

A belief is something that we accept as true, and these truths become a mere reflection of who we are as people.

The things we accept as true have influence over our thoughts and behaviors in real time.

As humans, we often take the power of belief for granted.

It is easy for us to forget the amount of influence our beliefs have over us.

Many people, for instance, accept things as truth without ever giving any rational thought as to why it is that they believe in what they do.

Being part of a civilized culture also has extremely overwhelming influence over our beliefs.

In other words, we accept things as truth because it is what other people believe or because it is something we are taught to believe from a young age.

As children, we are free to believe whatever we want to believe - if we wanted to express our imagination and believe we lived Star Wars, no one would have questioned it.

However, as we age, our beliefs become hardened to societal acceptance.

We become pawns within the structure of societal influence.

If you tried to convince people as an adult that you lived in the Star Wars galaxy, people would think that you were crazy and rightfully so.

The point here is that as children, our imaginations and our beliefs are whatever we wanted them to be, but as we grow into adulthood, we become civilized members of society and we lose much of the imagination we once had in our youth.

As adults, we believe that we need to be civilized beings to society by a means of getting an education, getting a job, and paying taxes for the rest of our lives.

These are all important things, however, my question to you is what about your imagination?

What happened to the ability to create a world around you in which you thrived?

We become so caught up in believing what everyone else tells us to believe that we forget the single most important belief of all: belief in ourselves.

If more people chose to believe in themselves more than they believe in societal acceptance or political issues, the more people would find the path to fulfillment and purpose in life.

When we believe in ourselves and our ability to create the world around us, we can truly harness the ability to make our lives however we imagine.

Of course there are going to be troubles and hardships along the way, but that is a sheer fact of life.

When we choose to believe in ourselves, we block out things of less importance and we harness the ability to control what we can control.

We will never find peace or fulfillment by worrying about things outside of our control, we can only accept what is and continue in pursuit of our mission in life.

This does not go without mentioning that when it comes to genuine self-belief, it is important to be able to distinguish the people who share that same belief in you from the one's who don't.

All anyone truly needs is one person who believes in them as much as they believe in themselves.

If you can learn to harness the power of genuine self-belief and fuse it with a loyal support group, the amount of strength and confidence you will find within yourself is limitless.

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