The Only Thing Worth Chasing

The Only Thing Worth Chasing

Our dreams never truly die.

The only time our dreams ever die is when we fail to take any sort of action in pursuing them.

If we take no action, our dreams will forever remain a thought in our minds in what could have been.

This is why the only thing worth chasing in life is our own dreams.

The things we take natural interest in are always speaking to us underneath the surface.

One might ask, “how can I make a living doing what I want to do when I have all of this other responsibility?”

To me, the answer is simple - one needs to acquire skills, knowledge, and experience to make their dreams a reality.

This means that you are naturally going to have to take a step off of the beaten path to gain new experience in life.

The ones that chase their dreams are motivated by nothing more than their sheer will to succeed.

When you are motivated to succeed, the will to learn and acquire new skills is a natural byproduct of your own will.

The problem most people face is getting stuck in the rat race thinking that they have to live their lives a certain way because it is what they are told.

This is not to say that one can’t live a good life doing the same as everybody else, but when it comes to living a life that truly fulfills you, you must be willing to go out into the world and experience new things, gain new knoweldge, and acquire new skills.

The only thing worth chasing in life is your dreams.

When one becomes focused on achieving some form of outcome, the true fruits of life are exposed via attraction.

This means that the more focused you become on creating the life that you want, the more you are going to attract the things in your life that align with your mission.

This is not to say that you won’t also get tested, because part of any pursuit of endeavor is going to come with many obstacles and challeneges to overcome.

There will always be people that come into your life that may not align with your mission, and this is why clear focus is so important.

The more clear you are in focusing on the person you want to become, the more clear you will be on the kinds of things and people you want to have in your life that support your mission.

The last thing any of us want is to look back on our lives and regret not taking advantage of doing the things that we wanted to do.

With that being said, we are still going to have to do things we don’t want to do to do the things that we do want to do.

Everything is a learning process and the more willing we are to learn, the more capable we become of turning our dreams into reality.

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