The One Thing Nobody Wants To Hear

The One Thing Nobody Wants To Hear

At this point, you are all aware that our message is to promote men and women to be and act like men and women, build confidence in yourselves, and learn productive behaviors that can help you achieve in life.

The biggest problem everyone faces is fear - fear of never being good enough, fear of not finding the right partner to settle with, fear of not being happy.

The list could go on and on because there is a lot for us as humans to be fearful of.

When you really think about it, fear is one powerful motivator for negative feelings.

Fear creates feelings of sadness and anxiety.

Fear creates the feeling of hopelessness and feeling like you have no options in life, or it can do the complete opposite by creating feelings of aimlessness and not knowing which way to go from having too many options.

The point of the matter is that fear can often control your life if you allow it to.

Fear can be easily created through having undesired outcomes and not being able to find the things that we truly want in life.

This is where the feeling of never being good enough comes into the picture.

Maybe you have gotten your heartbroken by more men or women than you care to admit, and it creates a level of anxiety around the fact that other people did not want you.

Before you know it, you have created a world for yourself in which you subconsciously believe that you will never be good enough because someone or something caused you to feel that way.

I want to share with you all one harsh reality about life here on earth, which brings me to the topic of this post and that is no-one is ever going to save you from yourself.

If you have created a reality that is motivated by fear, no one person is ever going to be able to save you from that reality.

The only one's that can truly save you from a life of fear and undesired outcomes is God, and yourself.

God will instill within you the wisdom and he will leave it up to you to take the action and fix what needs fixing.

Oftentimes, people will paint a picture in their minds that if they just meet one person that their entire lives could change, as well as have all of their problems solved, which is only partially true.

I say this is partially true because you may very well meet a person who completely changes the course of your life, but it is never going to solve all of your problems for you.

No one person will ever be able to rid you of your own personal reality.

Sure, someone could open up your mind to the possibility of there being more to life, but if peace is what you are searching for, it has to be understood that peace only comes from within.

This is why I believe God is the only one who truly knows how to bring you peace if you are willing to have faith.

It is faith and true genuine belief that you are who you say that you are that is going to be able to lead you down the path you are looking for.

We can all sit here and lie to ourselves all day long as to why we don't have the things that we want in life.

The reason why we don't have the things that we want in life is because we just haven't figured it out yet.

Some people never will figure it out, but that doesn't have to be you.

The only thing we can do is continue to show up every single day, do the work that is required to become better than we were the day before, and have faith in the process.

I know to some, having faith just sounds like a lot of mumbo jumbo, and I can understand because I once thought the very same thing.

Then I began to take control of my life, take action, and my belief in myself started to rise to the surface.

Now, I choose to put my faith in God because I know there is absolutely no reality in which I will ever let myself down, and if I can learn to fully sacrifice myself over to our creator, then my faith will lead me to victory in the end.

There is no point in allowing the fear of never being good enough stop you from wanting to be better.

In fact, for some, including myself, the fear of never being good enough is exactly why we choose to build ourselves in the first place.

Maybe I will never be good enough, only time and God will have that answer, but I know that I at least have to try because I am not willing to ever give up on myself.

We take life as it comes and sometimes it comes with pain, anxiety, and sadness.

If we do not even try or attempt at reinforcing ourselves to be more capable when life gets hard, then we are only going to be on the sidelines while those who find true peace and fulfillment continue enjoying their lives.

Life is a blessing and it deserves to be treated as such.

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