The Most Valuable Asset

The Most Valuable Asset

What is value to you?

Here at Playboy Ranchin', "value" is a word that we throw around quite often.

In fact, "value" is a word that gets thrown around a lot in today's society in general.

I want you to ask yourself what value is to you and what are ways that you can add and/or preserve your value.

I have given it some thought on this whole concept of being a "high value man" or a "high value woman".

Society deems men and women as being "high value" for possessing desirable qualities that make you able to benefit yourself and those around you.

We have talked a lot about the certain qualities that these types of men and women possess.

For men, in order to be considered "high value", you must be able to build yourself into a man that is strong, confident, purpose-driven, practices self-control, stoic, a good protector and provider, and a man that can be useful in just about any situation.

For women, in order to be considered "high value", you must be able to preserve your value through sexual exclusivity, a natural caregiver, undeniable loyalty, and genuine authenticity.

The more I have sat here and thought about these terms of being "high value" men and women, the more I realize these don't make men and women high value at all, it makes them men and women.

The qualities we expect men and women to have are qualities that just make us men and women, there is nothing "high value" about them at all.

Every man should be strong, confident, stoic and purpose-driven because that is just what makes us men - this has nothing to do with being a man of "high value".

Every woman should be exclusive, nurturing, and authentic because that is what makes them feminine women.

I think a lot of the reason we throw these "high value" terms around is because most men and women in society today do not think or behave like men and women should.

Men today would rather sit at home and jerk off to porn, pay for Onlyfans, and be unhealthy instead of going out into the world and learning how to create something and be useful.

Women today are out spreading their butt holes all over social media, sleeping with a bunch of men, and becoming independent instead of staying inside and preserving their exclusivity and femininity.

The truth is, there is nothing valuable about the current state that men and women find themselves in - there is nothing of substance to offer one another.

We look at men today that are highly successful financially and consider them to be "high value", even though they can go out into the world and act like degenerates.

We look at women today that are very beautiful who have millions of followers on social media and consider them "valuable" because there are men in line waiting for their attention.

The reality is, you could be a man and have all the money in the world and still be a piece of shit - if you lack moral standards, then there is nothing valuable about you because you lack character.

A woman could be the most beautiful woman in the world and have millions of followers online and still have absolutely nothing to offer a man - as soon as you become accessible to other men, your morals and value race to the bottom.

This often begs the question to me as to what makes someone truly valuable then?

I have always believed what makes someone valuable (aside from the qualities we listed above) is their quality of values.

Our values are what make us who we are.

Our values define our character.

Our values are who we are behind closed doors.

Are you generous and polite? Or are you a shady prick?

Do you respect exclusivity with your partner? Or are you making yourself accessible to others behind closed doors?

Do you respect your own time? Or are you wasting it being around people that do not serve you or your mission?

To me, time is the most valuable asset that anyone can have, until they meet the person that they are committed to spending the rest of their lives with.

Your time is one thing you cannot get back, so how one chooses to use their time will define their character.

Especially as a man, our time is the most valuable thing we have as men if we are going to build ourselves into men that can be useful.

A man's most valuable asset is his time until he meets the right woman - this means that he is highly selective with who he chooses as a partner.

If a man is out entertaining a bunch of women and trying to get laid, I would argue his time really isn't that valuable, regardless of how much money or "status" he is.

The more women a man decides to spend his time with, the less valuable his time then becomes and this is the universal law of inflation.

It is no different than money - the more money there is in circulation, the less valuable it becomes because there is more of it. The less money there is in circulation, the more valuable it is because of scarcity principles.

This principle is also the same for women as well - the more men a woman decides to entertain throughout her life, the less valuable her time then becomes, which by extension devalues her as a woman.

Who a man chooses to spend his time around is incredibly important as to what kind of man he is to become.

The woman he decides to bring into his life is going to be one of the most important decisions he will ever make because she will either make him whole, or break him down.

This is why it is important for a man to be purpose-driven so that he is able to stay focused on the things that he needs to do, and whatever woman he decides he wants to be a part of that, she will understand who he is and what his mission in life is.

I believe having the support of a good woman is a man's ultimate source of strength.

If a man chooses a woman that is undeniably loyal and a believer in him and his dream, the amount of value she has to offer is endless.

On the flip side, if a man chooses a woman that is highly insecure, is addicted to getting attention from other men, is chaotic, and starts fights all of the time, then that man is going to spend more of his time trying to save a woman from herself and that simply isn't possible - a man will lose sight of his mission if he decides to entertain a woman like this.

We can sit here and debate "high value" qualities and traits all day long, but the reality of it is, until one can understand how valuable their time needs to become, it is all window dressing.

If you value your time, you will attract people that value your time.

If you don't value your time and you will give it to whoever will give you attention, by extension, you will never truly understand what high value qualities are.

You build qualities that make you a good woman and a good man by doing the things that it takes on your own by respecting your time.

If you're on dating apps, going on a bunch of dates with different men or women, or you're out here serial dating and trying to get laid because you think you will find "the one", you do not respect your time or your own values as a person.

Time is extremely valuable and some will never understand how valuable their time really is - they entertain whoever, and they do whatever whenever because it is what they are used to.

I have learned through years in solitude just how valuable my time really is to me and who I am and am not willing to share my time with.

This is why I am at a stage in my life where I will not share my time with anyone who does not serve me or my mission.

I am not out here trying to date and entertain a bunch of females, or trying to get laid because I have already had enough of that in my life.

I have always been selective and as I get older, I have become HIGHLY selective because I have a vision that I am going to bring into reality and whoever I choose to be a part of that is going to have to understand that this is just the way that it is.

If you want people to respect you, start by respecting yourself and respecting your time.

Once you find the person that respects you and your time the most, you may have found your truest most valuable asset.

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