The Most Important Quality For A Man To Possess

The Most Important Quality For A Man To Possess

Today's post is going to be short and simple.

The single most important quality for a man to possess is discipline.

Dating back to the very first blog post I ever wrote for this channel on July 23, 2023, we discussed the importance of having discipline as a means for finding motivation to do things.

Put simply, motivation does not exist without discipline.

Too many times I have heard people say to me over the years "I am just not motivated to do x,y, and z" or "I don't understand how you stay motivated", and to me the answer is simple: it is not that you're not motivated, you just aren't disciplined!

Motivation cannot exist without discipline because it is discipline that allows you to look past your feelings and do things that you do not want to do for your own benefit.

No amount of affirmations you shout at yourself in the mirror or when you wake up is ever going to make you want to do things you do not want to do.

In order to get better, you must understand that you are always going to have to do things that you don't want to do in order to get to where you want to go, especially as a man.

Discipline is a product of structure and principle - if you choose to live your life in a structured form and live by principles and standards that you set for yourself, you get better.

Living within your own boundaries proves that you are a man of your word.

If I choose to diet and get in really great shape, it means I am saying "no" to the cheesecake until I have earned the right to do so, which means I have to work to earn that right.

This is where motivation becomes a part of the conversation - I know that I want the cheesecake, but I also know that in order for me to enjoy the cheesecake, I have to earn it, which by extension, means that I have to work for it.

Motivation, by definition, is working for the things you want regardless of how you feel.

Discipline is also the foundation of integrity - if you say you are going to do something, then you do it, regardless if you feel like doing it or not.

It doesn't matter if you don't feel like going to the gym today, you made the promise to yourself, so now you have to go because you know that it is for a reason.

It doesn't matter if you had a long day at work and don't feel like going to the store to pick your lady up something that she needs to cook for you, you said you would go, so you go.

If you say you're going to do something and you follow through, then you become a man that is reliable!

Something that is important to note is that women find this quality extremely attractive in men.

A man that lives by principle, works hard to get better everyday, and does what he says he is going to do is a man that women naturally cannot resist.

We can begin to see why having discipline is so important because not only is it a means of you fulfilling your purpose, but it also makes you reliable.

With all of this being said, we must also understand that discipline is not just a matter of convenience.

In other words, you cannot only have discipline in the gym or your business and be a piece of shit in all other areas of your life.

But by becoming extremely discipline with one thing, you can use that knowledge towards other areas of your life, in both professional and personal aspects.

Like integrity, discipline is also the foundation of commitment.

If you have ever read any of our previous blogs, you know that I am an advocate for strong commitment in all areas of one's life.

There are four realms of the human experience that one must master in order to live a fulfilling life: the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual realms respectfully.

One does not master life until one has mastered all four elements of the human experience.

So what does this mean?

It means that one becomes disciplined in mastering all four elements and does so by a means of making that commitment to themselves.

It means that you never stop learning.

It means that you never stop working to acquire new sills, knowledge, and resources.

And it means that you give back to others for having been given the greatest blessing of all by having a chance at life.

All of these things are achievable if you are able to put your feelings aside and commit to the things that you know will make you into the best version of yourself.

Nobody cares about how you look.

Nobody cares about how much money you make.

And nobody cares about what you feel like you deserve.

What people do care about however, is the positive impact in which you are able to leave on them.

Want to make a positive impact on people?

Then become a man that is useful and reliable.

The only way you do so is by developing discipline in all realms of your life and never stop working to become the best version of you.

You owe it to yourself, you owe it to your woman, you owe it to your friends and family, you owe it to God, and you owe it to the world.

Go out there and be that man...

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