The Most Attractive Thing A Woman Can Do

The Most Attractive Thing A Woman Can Do

I have been giving a lot of thought to the topic of today's post for quite some time now.

While I have my own biased opinion on the matter, I am also speaking on behalf of men.

Today, I want to share with you most attractive thing that a woman can do in the modern world.

While we have discussed many times previously on the particular qualities that men value or find attractive in women, we haven't given any definitive answer as to what the most attractive quality that a woman could possess is.

The other day, I made a post on Instagram saying that one of the most attractive things that a woman could do moving forward is having private social media accounts.

The reasoning behind this post is because it is something that men collectively find attractive, especially in the modern attention-driven world that we live in.

The reason why something like this is so attractive to men is because it displays a level of authenticity on the woman by not trying to be like all of the other women purposely selling themselves for attention on social media.

It also shows a man that the woman respects her privacy and doesn't want to be seen and validated by a bunch of other men.

Being that we do live in the modern technology era, this is something that is highly desirable because a woman purposely not wanting to be seen by men brings back a little taste of traditional culture where men actually had to work to get a woman's attention.

Back in the day, men had to court to get a woman's attention, now all a man has to do is comment on one of her bikini photos or swipe on a dating app.

Men had to work to get a woman's attention back then and women who purposely don't want to be seen by loads of men, want a man to work for their attention - assuming they're single of course.

Women that are not easily accessible are highly desirable by men - this means no bikini photos, no dating apps, and no looking stupid out at a club.

While I can understand this is seen as women having fun and having "confidence" or whatever else people want to call it, this is the exact behavior that men find repulsive.

I don't mean the little soy boys swiping on your dating app profile or commenting on all of your photos, I mean men that respect themselves for being men.

Men are highly attracted to a woman's professionalism and her classiness as a lady.

This means she is not putting her personal life out on the internet, talking about men she is seeing, talking about sex, or dressing provocatively.

Men are highly attracted to women that every man wants but no other man can have because it is in our competitive nature.

When a woman is easily accessible, is promiscuous, has had many boyfriends or many sexual partners, men genuinely see this as anything but being classy or being attractive.

Which brings me to the whole topic of today's post - the most attractive thing that a woman can do in the modern world is be as feminine as humanly possible.

Especially in Western culture because truly feminine women are few and far in between the same way masculine men are few and far in between.

The bar has been set so low for both men and women in modern culture that you could trip over it in a wheelchair.

When you see a culture of men failing to act like men and women failing to act like women, it is natural to take notice that something is completely out of place.

When a woman is truly feminine, respects herself, and respects men for being men, the amount of value she has to add to a man's life is endless.

On the flip side, when a woman acts masculine and independent, doesn't respect herself or her body, and uses men to seek validation, she has nothing of genuine substance to offer a man.

This is why men do not look for these kinds of women.

Men are looking for and attracting truly feminine women that respect themselves and respect us.

We love when a woman is soft, nurturing, loyal, and exclusive from other men.

Only little boys want to be with the super hot Instagram model because everyone wants her and he thinks it will make him feel like the man that everyone drools over his chick until she disrespects him because he has no boundaries.

Men love when women respect their boundaries because it shows that a woman is truly interested in being a part of his life, instead of just trying to get what she can out of him.

If there are any ladies out there reading this, I want you to listen closely to what I am about to say...

Being feminine is your superpower because it is God's gift to you as being a woman, which makes you God's gift to man by extension.

Do NOT let society fool you into believing your "hot girl summer" or having your "hoe phase" was worth it because I can guarantee you it wasn't and it's not.

Men are highly manipulative and will take every last ounce of feminine energy you have until you have nothing left to offer another man.

Do NOT let this be you.

The more you give in to societal "norms", you must know that this is exactly what is driving away good men from wanting to be with you.

Getting likes on Instagram or matching with 40 dudes on a dating app isn't worth it for the sake of your own self-esteem.

Do NOT let the mainstream keep you for being true to who you are both biologically and spiritually.

The world needs women who are prepared to be women that are ready to bare children, raise them to be respectable beings to society, and work in harmony with a man that is willing to die for you.

Every woman inherently wants the man that is willing to die for them and be the man of their dreams, but most women today do not want to work for that man.

If that man is to protect you with his life, he is going to want to know that his woman is actually loyal, not messaging other men on social media, and is ready to go to battle with him.

This all doesn't go without mentioning that when it comes to choosing a good man, he needs to be worth your time which means you need to make your time valuable.

If you are sharing your time by replying to comments on your Instagram or talking to handfuls of men on a dating app, then your time is not valuable and this requires some introspective thinking on your part.

This doesn't mean you can't use social media as a tool because learning how to leverage social media for your actual benefit instead of your downfall is productive.

The problem most women are having on social media today is that the belief that they are leveraging it to their advantage by making money and getting attention, but fail to realize that is the literal cause of their downfall.

It is the lack of accessibility that men find attractive in women, not the easily accessible.

To sum things up, what men find most attractive in a woman is her ability to be feminine.

If a man is truly masculine, he is going to choose the woman that is his opposite and is truly feminine.

There are many women out there that have no idea what men want, but this is it.

While men still have tons of work to do before they become respectable men in their own right, there is tons of work to be done on the female side of the coin also.

The only choice we have is to continue to do what we have to do to become the best version of ourselves so that we can fulfill our life's purpose and add as much value to others as we possibly can for the short period of time we share on this planet.

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