The Lonliness Period

The Lonliness Period

A natural law of personal development is the feeling of lonliness.

As we begin to mature and develop into more sophisticated and intelligent beings, we begin to look around us and feel as though people no longer understand us.

The perception people have of you in their minds no longer aligns with the new and improved version of you.

Personal development is no easy task - it is a long process that requires consistent effort every single day.

As we continue to grow, our perception of reality begins to change.

The life we thought we once knew fades into a memory and we begin to think about the future possibilities that align with our new profound sense of self.

Change is inevitable for humans - as we age, we begin to look at life differently through experience.

By making conscious efforts towards growth and change, the rate at which the world changes around us increases.

As we change, the people around us begin to change.

During this transition from our old selves to our new and improved selves, it is common to experience a period of lonliness.

We feel as though the people that once knew us no longer know us and we haven’t yet met new people that are inspired by the same ambitions that we have.

During these transitionary periods, we become more clear with what we want in life - the kinds of people we want around us, what we want our future to look like, and the kind of person we are working on becoming.

The lonely chapter is almost inevitable when it comes to growth.

As the world begins to change around us, we natrually become more introspective.

We begin to think more deeply about who we are, where we’ve been, and where we’re going.

During the lonely chapter, it is important to find peace within ourselves.

We must be able to find peace in solitude as it will greater increase our mental clarity about what we want and the direction we plan on moving forward in our lives.

The lonely chapter feels completely unnatural for humans.

As a social species, we have a biological need to be around others.

Part of the reason why most people choose against the path of growth and personal development is because of this fact.

We become comfortable being around the same people, going to the same places, talking about the same things etc.

Real growth comes from our ability to transition ourselves outside of what is already familiar.

As I have said a million times, growth comes from new environments, new knowledge, and new skills that must be learned and applied.

Not everybody we have in our lives now is going to fully understand this.

If we can accept that the lonely chapter is inevtiable to our growth, the better we can position ourselves to immerse ourselves in environments where like-minded people will understand the path we are on.

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