The Effects Of Hedonism

The Effects Of Hedonism

If you want to have the ability to control and influence humans, it is actually much easier than one would expect.

When you give a human what they want, right here, right now, then you have the basic principle of understanding and manipulating basic human psychology.

You control people's minds by giving them things to focus on that are short term in nature because anything short term plays into humans survival mechanisms.

The mammalian portion of the brain is the oldest part of the human brain, which is where our basic survival mechanism functions are stored.

Dating back to the time of hunter/gatherers, the only way we were able to survive was by thinking about the right here, right now.

What do I need right now to satisfy my hunger so that I can continue to survive?

What can I do to trap and kill this animal so that we have food to eat?

How can I satisfy this need to create more life?

These are basic human requirements for survival and much of the survival mechanisms rely on the short term.

In other words, it was more of a matter of knowing how to survive just one more day, instead of thinking about what your life will look like in 10, 20, or 30 years.

The hunter/gatherers were not thinking about what their lives would be like in 10 years or what career path they were going to go on, they were thinking about just being able to survive one more day, and create more life.

The short term serves the most primal part of the human brain.

Things like eating, sex, pleasure, and short term gratification sustain our short term needs for basic human "survival", and take our focus off of building ourselves for longevity.

We have discussed many times about the effects of hedonism vs. long term reward and the effects on humans and our psychology in the modern world.

For those that don't know, hedonism in short, is a philosophical term to describe human behavior that prioritizes pleasure and short term gratification.

Let's think about this...

Given the extremely expansive innovation of modern technology, everything that humans do revolves around seeking immediate gratification.

If you want to buy something, you don't even need to leave your house - you click a button on your phone and it ships to your doorstep the very next day.

You don't even have to go out and meet new people to date!

You can simply swipe right, message someone, and be out to dinner or in their bedroom with them in that very same night.

Men simply do not have to court women anymore - they can swipe right, fulfill their short term wants and desires, and continue on doing the same thing.

Men do not have to work for women anymore and that is partially because of immediate gratification and how society is currently structured, but also because women allow men to exploit them for short term gratification because women are also focused on fulfilling their short term wants.

In western culture in particular, we live in a hedonistic society that constantly seeks out immediate gratification, instead of working for long term reward.

The problem with the hedonistic mindset is that people are too easily manipulated when they are only focused on what is in front of them at that very moment.

When you are not thinking about the consequences of your current actions 10, 20, or 30 years from now, you are going to fall a victim to your own short term wants and desires.

This is problematic in the sense that not being aware of certain behavior patterns or thoughts, programs your brain in real time to look for things that aren't really there.

For example, men and women that are promiscuous are often not thinking about the long term effects of their promiscuity 10, 20, 30 years down the line.

While promiscuity differs between men and women on the hormonal and psychological level, if you practice something long enough, it becomes a part of who you are.

This is exactly why people that are promiscuous, especially women, end up single or divorced later in life because they chose to fulfill their short term wants and desires for a long enough time period that when they finally woke up and realized they wanted to settle down, it was too late.

It is expected for men to go through it in their younger years because testosterone is raging, you have zero concept of worldviews and how the world actually works, so men naturally need to get their short term sexual desires out of their system at an early age.

The problem that I see today is that there are grown ass men in their 30s and 40s talking about their sexual marketplace value increasing as they get older as an excuse to sleep with more women.

Which, is objectively true because a males sexual marketplace value is higher at an older age and female sexual marketplace value is higher when they are younger.

The problem that I see with this hedonistic argument is by the time you are in your 30s and 40s as a man, you should have a general conceptualization of how the world works.

If you haven't gotten your short term sexual desires met when you were younger, practicing it when you're older because your sexual market value is higher, defeats the purpose of having a true monogamous relationship with a woman.

The point that I am trying to make is that when you become older as a man and you work on building your value and your value increases into your 30s, 40s, and 50s, the concept of commitment becomes that much more important.

A young man in his late teens/early 20s has very little responsibility and doesn't understand the true meaning of commitment yet.

This is why it is expected for a young man to fulfill his sexual desires when he is younger and has less responsibility.

The older a man gets, the more responsibility he has, the more awareness he has of his thoughts and actions, and the more capable he is of commitment.

If a man fails to practice commitment in his later years because he decides to fulfill his short term sexual gratification, he will never truly appreciate the strength that will come from just having one woman that fully supports and respects him.

For women, we know the effects mentally and emotionally that being promiscuous has.

The more a woman partakes in hedonistic behaviors, the more she damages herself mentally and emotionally over a long enough period of time.

A woman choosing to fulfill short term sexual gratification completely obliterates her chances of being able to biologically pair bond with one man.

Attention for women is a drug that fulfills her immediate gratification, and this is why it becomes an addiction if she exposes herself to too many men over the course of her life.

The key take away from this message is that the more that you practice fulfilling immediate gratification, the more it solidifies that in who you are as a person.

It doesn't matter whether you are a man or a woman, your level of responsibility increases as you get older and get better, and if you only focus on things that serve your primal states, the less capable you become of receiving something genuine and truly fulfilling.

Success comes from getting what you want, fulfillment is getting what you need because it is who you are.

Men were born to serve, not take from everyone else to float their own ego.

You don't need to take from a woman, you need to be able to give to her because serving her is serving God.

Ladies, you do not need to take from a man, you need to be able to give to him because serving a man that serves God, serves you.

Get out of the hedonistic mindset.

Stop only looking at what is in front of you, start becoming aware of your thoughts and behaviors, and start focusing on what you can do to continue to serve for the rest of your life.

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