The Dream Life

The Dream Life

If I were to ask you to describe your dream life, what would it be?

Would you have a big fancy house, with a closet full of designer clothes, high-end cars, and flying around the world in private jets?

Would you have a simple life living comfortably with your family and working a normal 9-5?

Would you like to buy some land, live off of your land, have animals, and homestead the rest of your life?

It is interesting that everyone has a different perception of what they consider to be the dream life.

There are plenty of people out there today who wish to have life #1 and live the high life, enjoying all of the finest things that money can buy.

There are also plenty of people that would rather live a simple life, work a 9-5, and focus on building a quality family.

What I personally find interesting is a lot more people today taking interest in having a life like life #3.

I see more and more people everyday post on social media talking about wanting to buy land, have a farm of some sort, the house with the white picket fence, and animals.

In my opinion, I believe it is a great dream life to have!

Considering that I ranch for a living, I can speak on behalf of the matter that it is an honest and peaceful life.

However, I also don't think a lot of people that want to buy land and have animals quite understand the amount of work and responsibility it is to live that kind of life.

In theory it sounds cool, but in reality, it is a lot of work and there are never any days off.

When it comes to owning property and owning livestock, between managing the property and caring for your livestock, it is an everyday job.

The job is also extremely strenuous depending on how big the property is and how many livestock you own.

If your plan is to buy a small piece of land, plant a garden, maybe have a few chickens and goats, then you could live very comfortably without having the responsibility of managing a larger property with more animals.

The point that I am trying to make is, if you want to live your dream life, then you need to be specific with exactly how you want it to be.

If you want to have 10 acres, 10 horses, 10 goats, and 10 chickens, then you need to understand the amount of work it is going to take to build it, and sustain it.

If your dream life is to be driving around in fancy cars and buying branded clothes, then you are going to need to learn the skills and the amount of work it is going to take to achieve that lifestyle.

I believe the reason why so many people are leaning towards wanting land could be from the world of social media.

Social media at times can feel claustrophobic due to the amount of over stimulation of constantly consuming other peoples content.

In a world that is primarily about people wanting and receiving attention, more people are naturally looking for an escape from the false reality of social media.

People that grew up in cities their whole lives now all the sudden want to buy land and live off-grid?


It is an interesting question but definitely worth asking.

I think the reason why more people are seeing a simple life on some land as being the dream life is due to its simplicity.

Cities are chaotic, social media is chaotic, corporate business is chaotic etc.

The point it, there is something inherently peaceful about the ranch/homestead lifestyle.

While I do not think it is for everyone and is probably one of those things that sounds better in theory, people who were born to live the lifestyle know how valuable a simple and peaceful life can truly be.

It is a completely different world of dealing with shit, whether it's actual shit, or having to work even in bad weather, but it is as honest as the day is long and that is one thing you learn to appreciate.

Like in anything in life, it doesn't matter what your dream life is, you must be willing to embrace the shit because embracing the shit makes the reward that much more worth it.

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