The Definition Of Hard Work

The Definition Of Hard Work

No matter how hard you work or how hard you think that you work, there is always someone working harder than you.

This is something that I tell myself on a daily basis because the reality of it is I know there is always going to be a man that is smarter than me, better looking than me, stronger than me, has a better body than me, makes more money than me etc. and the list continues to go on.

What I find interesting though is that by knowing that there are others out there that are better than me, it gives me the fuel to keep working harder towards achieving the things that I want in life.

If said person can have freedom, why can't I?

Life as a man is extremely competitive in all aspects of life - from professional life, to dating, there are always men competing for the next top spot.

There are always men competing for the promotion at their job or competing to take out the same woman on a date.

There are always men competing in business or competing to lift heavier weight in the gym.

Then point is, men are always competing against each other because it is in our biological nature.

It is a matter of fighting to survive and the one's that are the most well equipped, are the one's that survive.

However, when it comes to modern culture, the rules have slightly changed a little bit because we are no longer fighting to survive, we are fighting to thrive.

We have stated in previous blogs the difference between just surviving and what it takes to thrive.

If you want to just survive in the modern era, all you have to do is rely on short term gratification and rely on your most primal states.

If you want to thrive in the modern era, you must be willing to work hard, even when the odds are stacked against you.

You see, what truly makes a man a capable man is his ability to get things done, even when under tremendous pressure.

When a man is able to pull late nights, be up early mornings, and grind on the weekends, he is using his hard work as leverage through sheer will and determination to get things done.

When a man is driven by purpose, the long work days and working on weekends doesn't bother him because he knows it is what he has to do.

Sure there are going to be days when he doesn't feel like doing the work, but he does it anyway because he knows it has to be done.

His competition out there is working when he is not working and this is the difference between people that win and people that lose.

What I have personally found is that the harder that I work, the more accepting I am of failure because I know that failure is a part of the journey and giving up is not an option.

The harder that you work, the more it is going to reinforce your capacity to solve problems.

A man is useful when he is able to solve problems - whether he is building a house or ending world hunger, a man's ability to solve problems makes him useful to others.

This is why hard work is the bedrock for a man that is focused on building the best possible version of himself.

One of the best things about life is the sheer fact that it doesn't matter how old you are or how successful you are, the journey of becoming a better man is endless.

You could be eighty years old and still pumping it out in the gym because it is who you are at that point - not to mention that your wife is still going to find you attractive at eighty years old in good shape!

We all inherently know what we should do, it is just a matter of doing it and never giving up on it.

It is easy to out compete men in the modern era because the bar for men has been set so low.

All a man has to do is commit to making himself stronger physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially and he can out compete 95% of men out there today.

This is why men need to understand that nothing worth having is given - it must be earned and there is only one way to earn it.

I do believe we are living in an interesting period of time because men are weaker than ever before, but I also do not believe it is going to be forever.

You know how the saying goes, "strong men create easy times, easy times create weak men, weak men create hard times, and hard times create strong men."

In this period of human history, especially in Western civilizations, it is fair to say that we are living in hard times that have been created by weak men.

The only way we get ourselves out of this is by living true to ourselves and living true to our nature by competing for the things we want out of life.

It will eventually get better over a long enough time horizon, we all just need to be willing to put in the work to be the most capable versions of ourselves that we can be.

Life is only going in one direction and you can either board the train that leads you to fulfillment, or get left behind.

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1 comment

You are an amazing writer and I’m so happy to see that there is still real men that do exist. The future looks amazing 🤩🙏❤️

Naomi Santoro

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