The Biggest Waste Of Your Time

The Biggest Waste Of Your Time

Before we get into the nitty gritty of today's post, I first want you to look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself who you actually want to be in this lifetime.

Once you have come to a conclusion to this question, you have officially started on the path.

The key however, is to know how to stay on the path.

It is very easy for someone to look at themselves, decide they want to make a change in their life, try something new, and only stick with their new routine for a set period of time before they fall right back into their original behavior pattern.

The reason why people do this is simple, because they aren't any good!

Think about it, how easy is it to stick with something when you are good at it?

The reality is, it is easy to stick with anything that you have an established skill set with because you have confidence in that particular thing.

This is why having confidence in general, is a super power because it is confidence that will allow you to see things through.

Maybe you try something new and know absolutely nothing about what you are doing - it is confidence that will allow you to push through until you eventually start learning the ropes in whatever it is that you're doing.

Once new skills and confidence are acquired, this is how one eventually works their way into building momentum.

Learning new skills and learning to eventually be efficient with them is how one really starts to build momentum because scientifically speaking, momentum is mass x volume.

In other words, the more you learn and the faster you are able to apply what you learn, the more momentum you are going to build.

What I have found to be the hardest in learning something new is the initial steps of getting something up and running.

Sure, you might understand concepts and generalities of how things are done, but there is a reason why there is a difference between experts and amateurs at literally everything.

What drives me is to get to the expert level at whatever it is that I am doing or trying to learn.

I will be honest, I don't know the first thing about business whatsoever, so don't go asking me for business advice anytime soon.

However, business is something I want to master and by doing my due diligence, I believe it is something that I will be able to fully understand and be successful at because I am interested in it.

I just don't have the confidence in business yet but like anything else, confidence will come in time with persistence and non-stop action.

While that might have been a lengthier intro than I was originally expecting, let's get to the topic of today's blog: the biggest waste of your time.

Much of the modern world is structured to do nothing but wast people's time, however, there is a caveat to just about anything that can be seen as wasting people's time.

Take social media for example - on one side, there are those that do nothing but consume social media, versus the other side where people only create social media.

Same tool, yet different perspective because the person that does nothing but consume social media, wastes their time and often finds themselves in repeated cycles of mental masturbation.

Whereas, the person that does nothing but create social media makes money, runs businesses, and understands how to provide value.

Granted, not every creator is actually valuable because trust me, there is a whole lot of rotten shit out there that people are making money off of.

For me personally, I struggle with social media because it is just not something that I particularly care for.

Sure, I still use it from time to time, but I am horrible at creating content.

You know what this is for me?

An excuse to waste more of my own time!

I am still guilty of wasting my own time, but one thing I am sure of is being aware of it because awareness is the first step.

The next step is to figure out something productive to fill that slit of time with - in my case, it would be creating more social media content.

But this still begs the question as to what is the biggest waste of your time?

For me, the biggest waste of time is doing anything that doesn't allow you to think clearly, or doesn't align with your life's mission.

Most people are guilty of doing things they shouldn't be doing, but they do them anyway because they like to waste time.

If your goal is to be in good physical shape and you binge eat cupcakes and Cheetos on a regular basis, while consuming alcohol on the weekends with your degenerate friends, then you are wasting your time.

If you can't seem to stop thinking about the person that broke your heart, you are also wasting your time.

The key thing to understand is that anything that takes away from you being able to perform at your best or think at your clearest, is a waste of time.

I know what some of you might be thinking... "but what about balance?"

My question is, balance at what?

Is you giving yourself excuses as to why you cannot be the best your way of achieving balance?

To me, balance comes through reward - by working to earn things.

You can eat the cupcakes, but only one day a week AFTER you have crushed it at the gym and stuck to your diet every other day of the week.

Most of us all fall into some kind of loop of time wasted.

If you are like me and are always trying to think 10 steps ahead because you overthink everything, then you will often waste more time in your own thoughts when you could just be doing more.

If you're not an over thinker and you're still not getting anything done, congratulations because you are lazy!

Time is our most valuable asset as humans and the more we are willing to dedicate our time by becoming stronger and more capable, whether men or women, the better off we will be in the long run because the reward will pay off over time.

Not to mention, that if you respect your own time, people will take notice and also begin to respect your time as well.

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