The Biggest Flex As A Man

The Biggest Flex As A Man

I will just come right out and say it - the biggest flex as a man in the modern world is having a strong, kind, and loyal woman by your side.

As men, we respect other men based off of who they choose as a partner.

People often forget that a woman is a reflection of her man - how she carries herself, her lack of accessibility, and how respectful she is when her man is or isn't around is all a reflection of the man that she is with.

When a woman truly loves a man, she isn't thinking about any other man, she isn't putting herself in positions to be approached by men, and she damn sure isn't purposely seeking attention from other men.

As soon as a woman chooses to give another man attention, she effectively displays that she has no respect for her man.

As a result, other men and his peers will lose respect for him if they know his woman is easily accessible.

For example, if I were to DM another man's girlfriend and get a response from her, I would immediately lose respect for the man she is with because I know that I can get her attention.

If your woman does not value her attention, she will not value the attention you give her.

Women gain value from not being accessible.

Women gain value in the eyes of men from the sheer fact that other men want her and cannot have her.

However, if all it takes is a DM or a text from her ex for another man to get her attention, she will never respect you and it would be in your best interest as a man to move on and choose a woman who does respect you.

If I get DMs from girls and can see they clearly have a man, I can immediately tell that said woman does not respect him, she just settled for him.

Usually women will try and justify this kind of behavior in some way shape or form.

If you find out a man DMs her and she replies, she will say something along the lines of "he's just a friend", "I wasn't trying to be rude", or my personal favorite "we weren't talking about anything inappropriate"...

Regardless of what was said, if your woman blatantly goes out of her way to give another man attention, it is because she does not value her attention and she does not value the attention her man gives her to the extent that she thinks she does.

One thing that is inherently true about women is that they live in a feelings-based reality - how they feel about something today is not how they are going to feel about it tomorrow.

This is why any man that has ever been heartbroken by a woman knows how easy it is for a woman to move on so quickly to a new relationship, or how easy it is for a woman to be in love with you one day and be repulsed by you the next day.

Almost nothing about the reality women live in is real because their feelings are in constant fluctuation - if something makes sense to them in the moment, they will most likely choose to act on it as a reaction to their feelings.

Now, I am not saying this to hurt women's feelings, but to bring it to both men and women's attention - a woman's feelings will always cloud her ability to make sound logical decisions.

If a woman is easily accessible by other men and will go out of her way to give other men attention that mean absolutely nothing to her, the more it will be a reflection of you, how your woman looks at you, and how other men will treat you.

Men want respect, plain and simple.

We know that not everyone is going to respect us and that is okay, but we want to be respected by our friends and peers for how we present ourselves and how our woman represents us.

Men will never respect other men that allow their woman to get away with poor behavior.

This is why the biggest flex for a man in today's generation is to have a woman that is supportive, respectful, and not putting herself in positions to be exploited.

If a woman claims that she's loyal and she's sending me messages on IG, regardless of what is being said, she is not loyal and I will lose respect for you as a man for entertaining her.

People that are truly loyal don't have to claim they are loyal, they just are.

True loyalty is a matter of action, not words.

Men will never respect other men that are castrated lap dogs sitting at home allowing their women to get away with whatever they want.

Women do not respect the men that are "obsessed" with them, love bomb them, and allow them to get away with whatever they want, even if that is the kind of man a woman says she wants.

There is no flex when the women you choose disrespects you, especially behind closed doors.

If your woman isn't bringing you peace at home, predicting your needs before you have to ask for anything, or she is making you look foolish behind closed doors by entertaining other men, then there is nothing that is going to make other men jealous of what you have.

If other men can get your woman's attention, then any man can have her.

I know some women reading this are probably thinking this is borderline misogynistic, but this is the reality of how men think.

If a man knows he can get your attention, he knows that he can have you if and when the opportunity presented itself.

Some women might say the opportunity will never present itself but like we mentioned earlier, women live in a feelings-based reality - how a woman feels today is not how she is going to feel tomorrow, or a month from now, or a year from now.

This is also why recent studies show that 50% of women in relationships today have a "backup boyfriend" in mind in case something goes south in their current relationship - very little incentive for a man to commit to such a woman.

She could very well wake up one day and decide the attention that you give her is not good enough and seek attention from new men.

With all of that being said, it is important to note that you could have the best woman to ever walk planet earth, if you cannot fulfill your role and masculine duties, then you are useless to her.

A woman is only going to want to submit to you if you display a level of competence that gives her confidence in you and your abilities.

If you are a man and you have no purpose and you fail to live up to your potential, there is no flex because no woman with a brain will respect you, nor should she.

True feminine woman want and need men that are masculine to balance out the dynamic.

If you are a man and you want a woman who is feminine, then you must understand that there are going to be expectations of you, and those expectations first start with yourself.

The more you expect out of yourself, the more you will understand what you are and aren't looking for when searching for a female counterpart.

In other words, you already have to be flexing on your own because finding a woman in her true feminine to share your life with is only going to add to it.

When a woman is soft, feminine, nurturing, not easily accessible, respectful, loyal, willing to submit, and supportive of her man and his dreams, the amount of value she has to offer that man is endless and that is the biggest flex for a man in today's generation.

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