The Best Thing About Life As A Man

The Best Thing About Life As A Man

If I asked you what the best thing about life is to you, what would it be?

Is it your job?

Is it your dog?

Is it your attitude towards life?

There are many great things about life that we have the luxury of being able to experience during our short duration of experiencing life on Earth.

There are good things and there are bad things.

Part of the human experience is having to experience the bad things that create hardship and present themselves as sort of a roadblock along our pathway of life.

For every good thing, there is a bad thing because you can't have sunshine without rain, you can't have light without dark, and you can't have good without evil.

This is just a natural part of life that we all have to experience and make the most sense of what we are experiencing.

The reality of every bad thing is that it can be seen as a positive once you learn whatever lesson there is that needs to be taught.

Maybe the rain outside ruined your day to go to the beach and you are mister gumpy pants because you couldn't go to the beach when you wanted to.

Try telling the farmer that has been living in a drought and hasn't had anything to water his crops in months that you're having a bad day because you had to miss out on your fun.

This is just a matter of perspective when thinking about how things we perceive as "negative" effect us.

Bad things have to happen to all of us because there is hidden wisdom behind every little thing that we experience during our lives.

Every bad thing has a chance to lead you to a good thing if you live in your truth and trust your intuition.

If you fail to live in truth, your intuition will fail you from ever being able to get onto the path of the light.

In other words, if you lie to yourself and you lie to others, you will program your intuition to lead you down the wrong road naturally.

Now that we have talked about the bad, let's talk about the good and get to the moral of today's story.

The title of this blog is The Best Thing About Life As A Man and it is called that for a reason.

Today, we are going to talk about the best thing about life as a man but before we get to that, let us first take a moment of appreciation and gratitude.

Appreciate being here and being able to experience life before your own eyes.

Be grateful that there are other people out there that love and care about you and want to see you succeed in life.

There are plenty of people who wont want good things for you, even if they themselves think they are good things, but there is someone who does want good things for you and his name is God.

Don't worry, I wont get preachy and religious on you, but I have found that the nature of good things extends from something higher that we cannot truly understand.

You can't have good without evil and it is fair for all of us to agree that there is pure evil in this world.

If evil is able to exist, then God has to exist by default because God, or whatever you believe in, represents the good and there is no good greater than God.

Life as a man is difficult and his pursuit of his life's purpose is a very daunting and challenging task, often coupled loads of stress.

Stress can be seen as "bad" depending how you look at it.

However, as a man, I would argue that stress is something that men need and need to learn how to harness into strength.

A man is capable of doing great things when his back is against the wall and he has nowhere to run and hide.

I have personally learned that stress is a great thing for me because I am able to get more things done in less time, which maximizes the feeling of reward.

But that still doesn't answer what the best thing about life is as a man.

The best thing about life as a man is women!

Women are the yin to our yang and we cannot flourish as a species without one another.

Women have the single most important job on the planet in creating life and they are the most beautiful thing about life because they do what they do.

When life is stressful as a man, the woman we choose is set to bring us peace.

We build together, we earn together, and we carry on our lineage together so that life can continue to flourish here on Earth.

While there are plenty of men in the modern world that take advantage of women and there have been plenty of men throughout history that have taken advantage of women, there is a select core group of men in the world that are willing to give their lives for their woman because that is our job.

Women create life and men do everything in their power to protect and preserve it.

There are good men out there like this that still exist and I believe there will be more good men in the future.

While we currently live in a time where a majority of men are not acting like men and women not acting like women, I do believe that there are enough good men and women out there that will make way for future generations.

This is exactly the reasoning behind creating Playboy Ranchin'.

There are people out there that are tired of the games and tired of not having any sense of direction in life.

I genuinely do believe that people are beginning to awaken from the depths of modern society and realizing that the things we have been told are not all necessarily true.

This is why when a man stays true to who he is and a woman stays true to who she is, we can work together in harmony to make way for the future generations to flourish and live together in harmony.

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