The Best Decision I Ever Made

The Best Decision I Ever Made

The funny thing about life is that a whole new set of doors can open up just by making one decision.

One decision is literally all it takes to change your entire life.

Today, I am going to share with you the pivotal moments that changed my life and share with you all the best decision I ever made.

It all started in 2018 when I first decided to move to Las Vegas to pursue a dream of mine of being in entertainment.

Granted, my actual goal when moving to Las Vegas was to get my foot in the door with entertainment and eventually move to Hollywood and get into acting and live the Hollywood "dream".

It is safe to say, I didn't end up moving to Hollywood and probably for really good reason because California fucking sucks!

That state is a literal shit hole and if you have never been, you aren't missing out on anything, I promise you.

Anyways, I moved to Vegas, worked as a street performer for a year, and eventually got hired to perform at Chippendales.

I have shared some of my experiences at Chippendales in past blogs but I am truly grateful for the experiences I got working there because I would not be writing about what I write about today if it weren't for some of the experiences I have had.

When COVID hit in 2020, I eventually came to a crossroad in my life.

That year, I sat in my room and studied all day, everyday.

I studied anything and everything from Physics, economics, financial investing, to even teaching myself how to do calculus.

I know what you're thinking, what was the point of learning calculus? The truth is, there was no point, I did it just to do it. I spent 3 hours a day learning calculus for 3 months straight and taught myself calculus 1-3 in that time frame.

For me, I was doing anything and everything to stimulate my mind and learn anything that I could.

I felt like if I could learn as much as possible, I would have an advantage when the world finally decided to open back up again.

After awhile, Vegas opened back up and I was back on stage performing on a nightly basis with my buddies again.

The thing I loved the most about performing was just being able to go to work with my buddies and have fun.

I never truly saw myself as a Chippendale.

I was a great performer, but I am also very secluded in my personal life.

I was not the type of man that was bringing girls home every single night like one might think even though the option to do so was readily available.

People often forget that there was a time when I had women throwing themselves at me on a nightly basis and it didn't matter if they were married and had families at home, or had boyfriends or not - I have literally seen it all.

So when people read my content now, they often forget that I have experiences that most people don't have and will never experience in their lifetime, on top of my own personal experiences from women I have dated.

I talk about female promiscuity because I have dated promiscuous women.

I talk about women being "friends" with exes and a lot of men because again, I have dated women that have done these things.

I know where these paths lead and while you might not agree, which is fine, these are the conclusions I have been able to reside with to make the most sense based off of the things I have seen and have experienced first-hand.

To this day, moving to Vegas was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

It was a pivotal shift in my life that allowed me to learn and experience things for the better so that I can take the knowledge I have gained and apply it towards something useful.

I am grateful for having lived there and experienced what I have experienced but moving there wasn't the best decision I ever made...

The best decision I ever made was leaving Vegas!

When I left Vegas back in 2022, I found my true purpose in life - working with horses.

A more simple life was calling me and I went for it.

I will start by saying that I am a simple man and it takes very little to please me.

I have experienced what pleasure seekers with all the money in the world are really like and that is not at all a path I will ever find myself going down.

I have too much respect for myself then to find myself giving into stupid things like pleasure.

This is part of the reason I had to get out of Vegas - everyone in Vegas is out to seek pleasure.

Peoples values and morals are completely skewed out there because it is a city that thrives off of degeneracy.

There is an energy there unlike any other. In fact, whenever I go back there to visit now, I can feel the wave of negative energy hit me as soon as I get off of the plane.

People do not value traditional values in a city that thrives off degeneracy and attention.

People value things like "open relationships", or sharing your partner, or letting your partner blatantly disrespect you.

While I am not one to judge what people decide to do in their personal lives, my values NEVER aligned with the West Coast culture and values.

I am a simple man who wants to have only one wife and do the best that I can to give her the best life humanly possible.

I knew I had to get out of that city, so I did and it was the best decision I ever made.

I left a life of degeneracy to live a life of purpose and I am more grateful for that decision because I realized what life means and how it is supposed to truly be lived.

I learned that life is about finding peace - creating an environment and surrounding yourself with people that bring you the most peace.

I had no peace in Vegas; the environment and the people brought me no peace - I knew it was time to leave and become a man.

I realized that once I made this big shift and started doing hard work, I understood what being a man actually meant - being a glorified pretty boy wasn't the answer, but working in the shit was the answer.

It humbles you when you have to do hard work in shitty conditions - it makes you actually feel like a man.

You have to embrace the suck because you have a job to do and I loved every minute of it.

While the work itself fucking sucks, you can actually feel yourself get stronger as a man.

If I hadn't have made the move to Florida in 2022, I would have never met my horse, Cooper.

Cooper has changed my life in more ways than anyone could possibly imagine - he took a broken man and gave him a purpose.

I learned some of my most cherished values such as earning trust and respect by working countless hours with this horse to earn his trust and respect.

Once I knew that he trusted me and respected me after spending hours on building it, I knew he would ride to the end of the Earth for me and I would do everything in my power to protect him.

This is something that you will not learn living in a place like Las Vegas, this is only something you will learn by having to live in the shit.

Gaining an animals trust is one of the most beautiful experiences in the world and I wish everyone could actually understand where I am coming from.

It is not like having a dog where you feed it, give it love, and it is your best friend - it is a different kind of bond that you can only feel in the depths of your soul.

I realize now that my purpose in life is to help as many people and as many animals as I possibly can, hence the reasoning for this brand.

While we are just in the beginning stages, I am confident that the message will eventually begin to sink in and more people will find value behind the message in time.

Until then, I have work to do...

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