Take Pride In Your Work

Take Pride In Your Work

Men are extremely simple creatures because all a man really wants is to feel respected, and to feel proud.

A man wants to feel proud to be who he is, what he does for a living, the woman he decides to marry, the family he creates, and the legacy he leaves behind when the end of his life is near.

Every man wants to be able to make his mother proud, his woman proud, his children proud all just for having him be a part of their lives.

But for a man to have those he cares about the most be proud of him, he must first learn to take pride in himself - who he is as a man, the work he does on himself, the work he does for a living etc.

Pride is another one of those things that cannot be bought, nor can it be given, it must be earned through sheer hard work and sacrifice.

Sacrifice in the sense that a man must be able to choose to sacrifice his short-term desires for his long term goals.

A man that chooses to work on building himself into a strong and capable man is a man whose hard work will eventually pay off the more consistent and focused he is on his mission.

When a man puts everything he has into building himself, he will develop genuine skills and qualities that will allow him to bring value to the market - whichever market that he chooses to be in.

These skills are something that a man can use as leverage to allow him to think more critically, enhance his ability to make good decisions, and find a purpose in life.

Finding a purpose is the single most important thing for a man to work towards in his life because his purpose is going to give him fulfillment.

A man's purpose is what drives him to be the best that he can be everyday, whether it's for his work, for his woman, or anything for that matter.

Living in fulfillment is what makes men good at being men - it makes others want to be around him, he will naturally become a better protector and provider for his wife and family, and become a better leader.

A man living in fulfillment is a man living in his true masculine.

We talk a lot here on this channel about the importance of a man being in his true masculine so that he can attract a woman in her true feminine.

In order for a man to find a woman that will truly be proud of him, he must first learn how to take pride in himself and the work that he does.

A man that takes pride in his work is a man that knows when it comes time to work, he is leaving it all out on the line because this is what brings him fulfillment.

When a man can create something out of nothing, build something out of just an idea, or create a beautiful piece of art using his imagination, he will be able to look at these things and take pride in his work because that is what bring him true fulfillment.

While I do not have a wife and kids, I would imagine that a man would get that same feeling looking at his wife who respects him, and the beautiful family they created together.

In fact, most men in their old age all say that their most proud moment is watching their kids grow into civilized humans and carry themselves with honor and grace.

This to me, is what is most inspiring about the true masculine.

The idea of being able to watch humans that you helped create, grow into civilized people who carry on good morals and values that you taught them so that they can survive, while being able to find their own purpose in life is what drives me to have everything that I want out of life.

In order for a man to truly be proud of himself, he just needs to have something that fuels him to be better and it doesn't matter what it is.

Having a purpose is a very powerful superpower for anyone to possess.

Once you have found your purpose, you will wake up everyday thinking about that one thing that you know is going to take you to where you want to go in life.

You will find motivation to work harder, longer, and acquire the ability to make decisions in life that will benefit you and the one's you love the most.

As a man, you need to be able to take pride in your work.

A man that takes pride in his work is a man that will always have fulfillment.

Men were biologically designed to work hard and not working hard as a man, I find to be a meaningless existence.

It doesn't matter whether you're working hard building houses or you're working hard building a business, hard work is exactly what men need to feel proud of themselves.

As men, we need to be able to set our minds to something and create something out of nothing to feel accomplished.

This is why when everything else in a man's life might be shit, he can always escape back to his work because it is the one thing that makes him the most proud.

But here at Playboy Ranchin', we want men to take pride in everything they do.

We want you and your families to be proud of you and your accomplishments.

We want you to be stronger, smarter, more stoic, and driven towards everything you have ever wanted to achieve in your life.

If you truly want to be with a woman that respects you and takes pride in you, then you need to be a man that is undeniably who he says that he is.

This means that you work on building yourself so that you can become the kind of man that no woman is ever going to want to lose.

If you want your kids to be proud of you, then you need to build yourself into a capable leader so that they have a role model to look up to.

I personally have always wanted my future children to look at me like I am a superhero.

When I sit and think about the things that I need to do to make it so that I am a superhero to them, I realize just how much work that needs to be done.

The work is never going to stop and for all of our sake, I hope that it doesn't!

We need to always have something to work towards, otherwise, what is the point?

If you set a goal for yourself and you reach that goal, then you need to ask yourself what the next mountain to climb is.

A man that is able to set a desired outcome and work until he reaches the desired outcome, is a man that is not only confident, but also takes pride in what he does and his ability to get things done.

Work is good for the soul and if you have control of your mind, and your body, then there is no doubt that you will find your purpose in life and be able to look back on your life one day and be proud of the life that you lived.

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