Stop Following Instagram Models!

Stop Following Instagram Models!

The topic of today's blog is going to be seen as controversial to some, but if you make it to the end, you will see why I believe this conversation needs to be had.

I was thinking deeply about something while I was at work earlier today, and I was thinking about if I had one piece of advice that I could give to men in 2024, is for men to stop following Instagram models on social media.

So, today's blog is a message to men to stop giving in to poor behavior and stop giving women online that don't care about you your attention.

First, I would like to start off by saying that none of this is meant to purposely come off offensive to women, even though what I will say in this post may offend some.

In person, this would be a hard conversation for many women in today's culture to have, but it is a conversation that needs to be had as most difficult conversations are.

The reason why I speak heavily on this topic is because it is something that I myself have done in the past.

I have followed and liked girls bikini photos on Instagram at one point as many other men have.

When I look back at this particular period of time, I realize how immature I was, especially in my thinking.

Like most men, I found these women highly desirable and used to like their photos because I too, thought they were attractive.

Giving them the attention they were looking for just seemed natural for showing appreciation to them for being beautiful with good bodies.

It wasn't until I began unfollowing these women on social media that I really started to understand the effects of what following these kinds of women does to men.

When I made a commitment to myself to become the strongest possible man that I could become, unfollowing beautiful women that do nothing but post pictures in bikini's seemed like one of the first steps to make.

As a man who genuinely wants a good woman to respect me and respect herself, I realize that giving attention to women that do not respect themselves was not going to help me in finding a woman that does.

The sad truth about promiscuous women posting revealing pictures online, is that the only thing they want from men is their attention and their money.

As we have discussed in previous blog posts, promiscuous women tend to have narcissistic and psychopathic qualities due to their constant need of new validation from men that is often short-lived.

The woman getting tens of thousands of likes on her bikini pictures is addicted to the attention she is receiving from men and if you know anything about addiction, you know that it is not an easy problem to solve for most.

The constant seeking of validation from new men just from posting revealing pictures is an addiction that causes narcissistic and psychopathic tendencies because it is the new validation that keeps it so short-lived.

This is why oftentimes women that model and post promiscuous content will try and validate their reasoning as a source of "making money."

Which, in all honesty, is fine because how one chooses to live their lives truly doesn't matter.

But what is interesting is that women just "making money" are often unaware of the fact that they are exploiting other people for short-term gratification - this is the definition of psychopathy and narcissism.

The definition of a psychopath is someone that uses someone else for short term gratification.

This is why women who post pictures in bikinis to make money or get attention for short term gratification, are clinically defined as psychopaths.

This is no different than a woman having a bunch of sexual partners as hookups and one-night stands because both are for seeking validation from new men.

But the most interesting part in all of this is that it is MEN that are buying into it.

It is men that is giving these kinds of women non-stop attention, paying their bills, and allowing themselves to be taken advantage of.

There are some men that do it because there is no saving them and they know the girl they are drooling over is never going to want anything to do with them and they do it anyway.

But for most men, not a single one would ever have a shot at getting with these kinds of woman, no matter how bad they want that shot.

As a man who has had experience with these kinds of women and knows plenty of them in real life, I can tell you first-hand that these women truly have nothing of genuine substance to offer men.

This doesn't mean that they aren't good people because many of these women are bubbly and are easy to talk to.

But in terms of a man wanting to be with them, they do not make good girlfriends.

Their addiction to attention and validation from new men is always going to be stronger than any feelings that they could have for only one man.

Men need to understand this.

Giving them attention by liking their pictures and sending them DM's is exactly what they want from you and nothing else.

Most men out there want a good woman that is loyal, doesn't seek attention from other men, and respects herself.

Every time a man gives another woman his time and attention who doesn't value his time or attention, is pushing himself further away from the woman who will.

Gentlemen, following these women and drooling over their bikini pictures is not going to solve any of your problems, it is just going to create more of them.

Women that truly respect themselves, their bodies, their time, and follow God are out there, but you need to be man enough to have this kind of woman.

If you want to truly attract a woman that respects you and respects herself, it starts with you respecting yourself by unfollowing models on Instagram.

It's time for you to go and pick up your balls wherever you left them and start earning some respect for yourself by stopping the nonsense on social media.

Life is long and giving in to your short term desires isn't going to solve a single problem.

No amount of beautiful women that look good in a bikini for the world to see is going to do for you what a good woman who respects you would.

I realize this post may seem rather biased but what women need to understand is that this is how men think.

Men do not take women exposing themselves on the internet seriously because they do not take themselves seriously.

Men know this and stay away from it.

Some men can't stay away and most men are failing to realize that they are the one's creating narcissistic women because they themselves are trying to fulfill their own short term gratification.

This is weak mindedness at its finest.

Any man that wants to exploit a woman for short term gratification is contributing to the problem.

This is why it starts with men not giving in to the nonsense.

Stop following these women, start holding yourselves accountable, and have some respect for yourselves so that you can eventually meet a woman who does respect you.

If men stop giving into their short term pleasures, models on Instagram would have no-one to follow them.

Beauty sells because it has always sold and will continue to sell until the end of time, but just because a woman's beauty can sell, doesn't mean that you have to sell your soul.

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