Stoic Command Of Your Emotions

Stoic Command Of Your Emotions

When we think about men that are objectively masculine, there are traits in which the man possesses that make him a man.

These traits are commonly seen as a man that is driven by purpose with a duty to uphold his masculine frame as a protector/provider, with an ability to have stoic command over his emotions.

The emotion that is most common for men to feel is anger and this is something that is biologically hardwired into men because of having testosterone.

The male hormone testosterone is responsible for things that drive men sexually, and give men pure anger and rage.

What is important to note is that the anger and rage that men get from having testosterone is inherently what makes men capable as being protector/providers because the anger and rage has been used to help men survive through tens of thousands of years of evolution.

As we continue to evolve and become more conscious beings that live within certain confinements of societal structure, the ability for men to have control of their anger becomes more prominent in their ability to provide value.

In the early years of human survival, men needed anger and rage to survive because everything was a matter of war and needing to be the strongest in order to survive.

When it is life or death, anger and rage are used as survival mechanisms.

In the modern era, anger and rage are emotions that men need to be able to control and only use in situations that are appropriate.

A man's ability to have stoic command over his emotions means he understands what situations are appropriate when using his biological instincts.

This is why men that are objectively masculine are capable of violence, but only use violence in situations of life or death.

When a man is capable of violence and understands how to control it, he makes himself suitable as a protector/provider.

When a man is not capable of violence and is going to run away when he feels threatened, then he is not suitable as a protector/provider.

This is inherently why women want objectively masculine men - they want a man that is capable of protecting them physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially in the modern era.

A man that lacks stoic command of his emotions is not capable at being a protector.

A man that lacks stoic command of his emotions is often seen as an abuser, or a simp in some cases, especially to the women he has in his life.

Women want to feel protected, but will often stay with a man that is abusive purely out of fear because fear is the most powerful way to have control over other peoples minds.

Now that we have discussed men and their ability to control anger, let's talk about sadness.

If you read yesterday's post on depression, we objectively defined sadness as a result of feeling hopeless and not having any options.

It is important to understand that men are more sad and depressed in today's day in age and this is due to a lack of purpose, and a lack of stoic command over their emotions.

Today, it is "socially acceptable" for men to be seen as vulnerable by expressing themselves more emotionally when in all reality, it is the worst thing for a man to do.

When men become emotionally vulnerable, they become more driven by their emotions, instead of being driven by their purpose.

It is easy for a woman to sit there and tell a man "it's okay" for you to be vulnerable, and express yourself, until you actually do and she is immediately repulsed by your lack of emotional control.

It is easy for a woman to tell a man this because women are emotional and it is objectively how they see the world.

But we know that this is exactly what makes men and women different because women are emotional, and men are logical.

When a man is emotional, he acts more like a woman and it is that simple.

Women are not biologically hardwired to have control over their emotions the way that men are and if you have ever been around a woman before in your life, you know this to be true.

Women are emotional and will feel shitty at times for absolutely no reason except for the fact that is just how they feel and so they express it, even though us as men have absolutely no idea why she feels the way that she does.

Men will feel shitty too, but feeling like shit is not a get out of jail free card.

When a man feels like shit, the only thing he can do is continue to work and do the things that he has to do because those are his duties and obligations.

There is no time for men to sit there and whine about why they have no control.

The only thing that men can do is take action and continue to take action towards achievement and bettering themselves.

When a man is driven to achieve masculine excellence, emotional control is a natural byproduct because the reality is, the road to masculine achievement is hard, and the amount of shit that a man is going to have to go through is going to be insurmountable.

The mountain of shit that a man is going to have to go through and his willingness to keep moving forward because he realizes that life is only going in that direction, the more he will eventually learn to have stoic command over his emotions.

If a man goes through shit and plays the victim card, he will NEVER have command over his emotions and his emotions will always be the bigger voice in his head.

If a man goes through shit and realizes it is just part of the process and willingly goes back into more shit, the more control he will have over his emotions.

Emotional control is a byproduct of a man that is truly driven on becoming his best.

The more control a man has over his emotions, the more he can be relied on as being emotionally intelligent.

This doesn't mean that a man becomes a simp and a people pleaser, it means that he is able to understand emotions and how to deal with them.

Men that are objectively masculine need to be reliable in making decisions and this means being able to make clear decisions without being overly emotional.

It takes practice, it takes work, and it takes going through a whole bunch of shit and willingness to go through endless amounts of shit that a man will truly learn how to be objectively masculine.

If a man cannot go through pain, hardship, and suffering to develop command over his emotions, then he will lose all capability of being objectively masculine.

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