Solace In Solitude

Solace In Solitude

Solitude can be an extremely powerful asset to the human psyche.

When we are left alone in a quiet place, we can harness the ability of deep self-reflection.

In these moments of deep self-reflection, we can gain clarity as to who we are and what our purpose in life is.

We can think deeply about the world around us and our place in it.

We can analyze everything in our environment down to the finest detail and even reflect on our past experiences that have played a role in the development of our character.

For some, solitude is frightening - the thought of being alone is often unsettling.

Being as that we are a social species, solitude is quite an unnatural feeling.

We are designed to communicate with other people, make friends and acquaintances, and establish a sound form of communication with others.

Dating back to our earliest ancestors, we formed tribes as a means of survival - grouping together with other humans to protect our tribes and hunt and search for food and shelter.

We evolved with the need of being around other humans as the root of our being.

With that said, this is why someone can see why being alone can be quite an unsettling feeling.

Oftentimes, we don’t ever stop and think about what it would actually be like to be alone.

Past experiences and the things we are currently going through in life all get shielded from one’s need for constant human interaction.

Most never get a chance to stop and process deep self-reflection in the midst of our biological needs.

However, it isn’t until we have experienced what being alone is actually like that we can get a chance to quiet our minds and search deep within ourselves.

Nobody ever truly wants to be alone because of the fear of lonliness.

If you are the type that feels like they constantly need to be around or interact with other people, the fear of lonliness becomes more prominent.

For these individuals, they simply have become accustomed to always having someone around them, so when they have nobody around them, it can cause feelings of anxiety and lonliness.

For those whose need to be around others isn’t as strong, they are more likely to find peace within themselves.

Not having to rely on others as your sole source of peace is the path to finding peace within yourself.

If you cannot find peace within yourself, then nobody on earth is ever truly going to bring that peace into your life.

Like anything in life, solitude is a matter of balance - we must be able to balance time for us to reflect and time for us to make genuine interactions with others.

If we spend too much time in solitude, then we will also become accustomed to it and even shield ourselves from allowing anyone into our lives.

We need to have genuine human interaction, but we also need to find time to reflect and create peace from within.

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