Setting Your Prioprities Straight

Setting Your Prioprities Straight

When it comes to achieving desired outcomes in life, it starts with having a specific set of priorities and principles.

There are many people that go through life aimlessly, not having any sense of direction, and not having a single clue as to how they can find a fulfilling life path for themselves.

What is interesting about aimlessness is that it is no different than anxiety - having too many options and not knowing which one to pick.

I believe that when it comes to life, more people are aimless than anything.

In other words, there are too many things people could be doing that could give them purpose, but they do nothing in trying to fulfill that purpose.

It is important to note that aimlessness and hopelessness are not the same thing.

Hopelessness is sadness in not having anywhere to go - in other words, you have nothing to choose from.

When we look at aimlessness versus hopelessness, it is evident that most people are stuck in a constant place of anxiety for having too many things they could be doing and not knowing which one to do.

A simple cure to aimlessness is by setting your priorities straight and prioritizing self-mastery.

If you do not want to feel anxious about not having the things that you want to have in life, then the only way to solve it is to prioritize self-mastery.

There are many things to take into account when it comes to prioritizing something like self-mastery.

Everything from prioritizing your mental, physical, and emotional well-being, to prioritizing your knowledge and skill sets.

So what exactly does this mean?

Well, for starters, it means that you start by making commitments to yourself everyday to pursue the best version of yourself.

It means that you wake up everyday and decide to go to the gym, even when you don't feel like it because you know that it is going to make you stronger mentally, and physically.

When you prioritize your health and well-being, not only will it allow your body and mind to function better, but it will also help clear up your thinking.

The ability to function with a clear mind is something that is often not talked about in today's day-in-age.

When the country is too busy arguing over how many genders there are, there are other countries making way to take America's title as being the number one nation in the world.

Why do you think this is?

It is a matter of failing to prioritize things that make us strong and prioritize things that make us weak, while other nations only prioritize things that make them strong.

When one decides to prioritize self-mastery, they will then be capable of solving all of their problems... All of them!

Are you tired of working in a career field that you hate with a bunch of people that you don't even like?

Prioritize self-mastery and you will develop your skills that could make you more valuable to someone or something else that could be seen as more fulfilling.

Are you tired of not making enough money?

Prioritize self-mastery, learn new skills, build a business, or learn new ways to make more money aside from your everyday job.

Are you upset that you still haven't found the right person to spend the rest of your life with?

Prioritize self-mastery and become someone of genuine value and substance so that you can attract the person you are looking for.

Deciding to prioritize things that make you the best version of yourself will allow everything else to fall into place.

When you prioritize becoming strong, confident, mentally and emotionally intelligent, and developing useful skills, the amount of value you have to offer becomes endless.

The opportunities will begin to find you when you are doing what you need to do to become the best version of yourself.

If you are finding yourself in a desperate position, it is because you are failing to prioritize things that actually matter.

What you choose to prioritize will determine how valuable you are to other people.

If you are a man and you choose to prioritize jerking off and playing video games, then you have chosen your fate when the things you don't want to actually happen, keep happening.

If you are a woman and you choose to prioritize being independent or promiscuous, then you have chosen your fate in attracting weak men with low self-esteem.

When a man prioritizes himself into being the best possible man that he can become, he builds himself into a man whose value is undeniable.

A man that prioritizes being a man becomes strong, confident, and capable at anything he sets his mind to.

When a woman prioritizes herself into being the best possible woman that she can become, she builds herself into a strong, feminine woman whose value is endless for the man she chooses to be with.

A woman that prioritizes being a woman is soft, confident, authentic, and nurturing.

Achieving a desired outcome is a result of having our priorities in order.

We make a goal, we set a plan, we work at executing the plan, and achieve the desired outcomes - this is the strength of having your priorities straight.

If you can make commitments to yourself everyday to become better than you were the day before, then you will prioritize a life of fulfillment and achievement by extension.

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