Serial Dating

Serial Dating

In a world of dating apps, social media, and no morality, people have become more accessible than ever before.

This new age of dating culture leaves a sour taste in my mouth because it has done nothing but make people's insecurities more prominent by giving them a false sense of options through things like dating apps and followers.

First thing is first, if you are a man on a dating app, knock that shit off and get back to work.

Stop being lonely, stop being insecure, and stop trying to just get laid because you're too afraid to go out into the world and be useful.

This is an insider for the ladies: men on dating apps are highly insecure men...

Because confident men aren't wasting their time on dating apps.

Confident men don't have a problem seeking out a woman and going up to talk to her.

Confident men don't need to sit there and message 30 different girls to try and "hook up" because he's lonely and just wants sex.

That is the reality of it, ladies - men on dating apps are on there because they are insecure and just want sex.

If you genuinely believe you are going to meet the love of your life on a dating app when the only reason a man is on there is because he is insecure and lonely, why would you entertain a man with those kinds of intentions?

If you have what a man wants, he will pursue you, period.

The reason I speak heavily on this is because the one time I ever chose to use a dating app was when I was lonely and just wanted to hook up.

With knowing that these were my intentions, I had no real intention of being able to find the love of my life on a dating app coming from a place of loneliness.

That is not to say that you can't meet good people out there on dating apps, but you can't honestly sit there and expect to attract anything pure when people's intentions are not pure.

We have officially fallen into a culture of serial dating - men and women having access or being too accessible to others and continue to waste their time looking for "the one" by entertaining as many people as humanly possible.

Let me just make myself clear, serial dating doesn't necessarily mean you are entertaining multiple people at one time even though that is one way to look at it, but it is also finding yourself into a pattern of dating one person for a few weeks or a couple of months, then going to date another person for a few weeks after that, and when that doesn't work out you go straight to talking to this person for a month etc. the pattern continues.

Serial dating is a result of having too many options and absolutely zero self-respect.

Granted, for men it is slightly different because men are programmed to be more logical.

Men almost need the experience dating to build confidence and be able to establish boundaries when he finally does find a woman to share his time with.

But I am also not saying for men to go out there and be degenerates, fuck a bunch of chicks, make them fall in love with you, and then kick them to the curb.

But as a man, you do need to have a level of experience to understand what boundaries are and what you will and will not tolerate when sharing your time with a woman.

The reason I am able to talk about the things that we talk about here at Playboy Ranchin' is because of my experience that I have had dating, even though I have never been a serial dater.

I have never been one to date one girl, break up, immediately go talk to another one, stop talking to her to go talk to another one etc.

I have had a pattern of dating a very specific type of woman, typically the highly insecure emotionally vulnerable women.

On top of the fact that I used to entertain women for a living, so I do have a plenty of experience talking to and dealing with women.

I have taken a lot of time to reflect on my past experiences with great clarity instead of fogging my brain by jumping from dating one girl to another and that is why we are here today.

Women on the other hand, often lack the understanding that serial dating destroys their value.

What women fail to realize is that their value is preserved through being highly exclusive from other men.

If a woman is easily accessible to other men via out at the clubs every weekend, posting herself half naked on social media, or meeting a bunch of men on dating apps, she is officially opening the door for men with bad intentions to come into her life and destroy her value and her confidence.

A woman's value comes from the idea that other men want her and cannot have her.

If a woman is spending her time replying to men online or talking to men on dating apps, going out on dates with different men, texting friends that are men etc. she has become too easily accessible to other men and real men will not pursue a woman in this state of mind.

Serial dating is an addiction for women because women that are serial daters are highly promiscuous in the sense that they are purely addicted to attention.

There are scientific studies that have been done that show that women with over 10 sexual partners in her past have higher rates of divorce - this same holds true for men as well.

Now, 10 is not a lot of people for men, but for woman, it greatly effects their ability to pair bond with one male and stay committed to just one man - this is also why men and women are different in terms of having multiple sexual partners.

I am not saying it is okay for men to go out and try and get laid as much as they want because studies show similar results for men who focus too heavily on having too many sexual partners and increasing their likelihood of divorce later in life.

The point is, the more easily accessible a woman is to other men, the less men find her valuable.

Men who want to get to know the real you are not commenting on your half naked pictures.

Men who want to get to know the real you are not trying to swipe right on your dating app profile while swiping right on 20 other women.

Serial dating is a problem and it is important to understand why this is.

Women need to realize that promiscuity is an addiction to attention in its most raw form, and serial dating feeds the addiction.

Addiction is an addiction and it doesn't matter what you tell yourself, you are always going to need your fix of new attention in some way, shape, or form if you cannot learn to understand this and redirect that energy into something productive.

If you are a woman and you are finding yourself in this loop of serial dating and constantly entertaining new men, you need to get your priorities in line.

If you are a man and you are lonely and insecure, get off your ass, hit the fucking gym, and go learn something new so that you can build up some confidence and have the balls to go and talk to a woman in person that you find interesting.

Get off of the dating apps and go be a man!

In order to find what you are looking for, you have to understand that it starts with yourself.

If you are insecure and you are on social media or on dating apps, then all you are going to do is attract more insecure people.

It starts with yourself and it starts with building up your self-confidence and self-respect.

No person is ever going to respect you if you cannot respect yourself.

If you cannot respect yourself to keep your butt hole off of Instagram, then no one is ever going to take you seriously because you don't even take yourself seriously.

All paths lead to the same end result if you cannot understand that the more accessible you are, the less likely you are of finding something genuine, and the more likely you are for divorce or just ending up single.

For men, being insecure has never been a good look for us.

No woman is ever going to take you seriously or respect you if you would rather sit there and be a degenerate, try and entertain as many women as you possibly can, and jerk off to porn because you are a weak soy boy.

Get up and go be useful!

Start building up some confidence and self-respect so that you can attract a woman who will actually respect you.

The writing is on the wall that today's dating culture does not work for most people in the Western world.

Divorce rates are higher than ever, both men and women have absolutely zero value to add to one another, and people have forgotten what it means to be a good man and a good woman.

If you want to find what you are looking for, it starts with you - building yourself up to become strong and useful so that you can provide genuine value to someone else and not just think the right person will show up and recognize you have all of this hidden value.

Get to work, build up some confidence and self-respect because only then will you be accepting of the genuine thing you are looking for.

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