Seeing the Fruits of Your Labor

Seeing the Fruits of Your Labor

Anything worth having in life takes time.

Whether it is achieving your dream body, building a successful business or brand, or becoming great at something, time and ego are the only things that stands in the way between you and your desired outcomes in life.

This means that in order to achieve something, we must come to grips with the reality that what we want is not something that can be obtained over night.

Today, we live in a world that is hyper-focused on seeking immediate gratification - we want things right here right now.

When we adopt this mindset, we push any sort of dream or goal we wish to achieve in life further out of reach.

The instant gratification mindset blurs the lines between reality and what we are capable of achieving.

As we have mentioned many times on this channel, the ability to delay gratification is one of the key components we must adopt in any pursuit or endeavor.

Delaying gratification, focus, consistency, and intent behind our work over an extended period of time is the only way we truly end up seeing the fruits of our labor.

If there was a magic button that could give us everything that we wanted right in that moment, what would be the purpose of life?

Everything worth having takes time to accomplish - it must be earned!

The only way we can truly feel satisfied is when we are eventually able to see the fruits of our labor.

Our consistent efforts finally starting to pay off is when we find true fulfillment.

This means we must learn to develop a mindset in which we believe in ourselves and what we are capable of achieving.

Self-limiting belief is everyone‘s downfall.

As humans, we naturally look for every excuse in the book as to why we can’t have the things that we want or why we are unable to accomplish new feats.

The way we overcome the dreaded disease of self-limiting belief is through experience.

Testing our trials and tribulations and staying consistent through our intended focus in our work is the only way we end up seeing the fruits of our labor.

Time is an illusion and truly is the only thing standing between you and having the life that you want. 

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