Ride Or Die

Ride Or Die

I would first like to apologize for the delay and not posting a blog yesterday, January 9th due to a power outage and no internet.

Today, we are back in action and we are going to talk about something that every man wants - a true ride or die woman.

Before we get into the meat of today's discussion, let us first define what a "ride or die" is and what it looks like.

The term ride or die is a phrase used to describe people that share a close bond, close enough to where both parties would agree to die for each other if need be.

In simpler terms, it is a phrase to describe two people that are undeniably loyal to each other.

If you have read any of our past blog posts on loyalty, you know that here at Playboy Ranchin', we take loyalty very seriously.

Whether it is a best friend, a family member, or a romantic partner, undeniable loyalty is a foundational component to any great relationship.

We described loyalty in previous blog posts as one's ability to show up for those that need them every single day, and never turn your backs on one another.

In a relationship, we described undeniable loyalty as both parties ability to protect the others peace at all times.

This means both parties are not making themselves accessible to those of the opposite sex, with, or without their partner around.

I know this seems pretty self-explanatory, but what is clear is that most people do not know the true meaning of loyalty in modern culture.

Between friends throwing other friends under the bus for attention, or romantic partners constantly making themselves accessible to the world via social media, it is more than obvious that most people do not truly understand loyalty.

In relationships, people will genuinely believe that because they are in a relationship and not sleeping with other people, that this somehow makes them loyal when it couldn't be any further from the truth.

As we previously stated, loyalty is a matter of always being able to protect your partners peace, no matter what.

You going off and talking to other people and hiding it from your partner behind their back is in fact, cheating.

Anytime someone deliberately puts themselves in a position to receive attention without their partner knowing, is cheating.

Of course, people wont see this as cheating because everything is completely watered down through social media.

Not to mention that most people in today's day in age can't even make a commitment to themselves, let alone another person.

The point of today's post is not to shit on people that don't know the difference between up and down, rather to explain what men truly want from a woman being a ride or die.

One thing that people need to understand about men is that men value loyalty because loyalty means respect.

Undeniable loyalty is the highest form of respect to a man, and men do not want anything from anyone other than respect.

Even for a woman, if you truly respect a man to your core, you will naturally give him everything else that he needs.

If a woman respects every ounce of a man's being, she will be the loyal wife who is a good mother to their children, that is soft and nurturing, and most of all, supportive in anything that her man does.

What men want the most is a woman that is willing to ride to the end of the earth with him and support him in everything that he does.

This is exactly why I say that a woman could either be a man's ultimate source of strength, or she could be his ultimate weakness.

If a woman is truly supportive of her man, and genuinely believes in him and believes in his dreams as much, if not more than her man does, she will be her man's ultimate source of strength and this is what every man wants.

A man could have absolutely nothing but a dream, a woman that is a ride or die would choose to be with him at the bottom and ride the wave with him to the top.

A man could lose everything tomorrow, a woman that is a ride or die would still choose to be with him because she loves him and believes in him.

On the other side, if a woman is non-stop nagging at him, picking random fights with him, and doing nothing but bringing chaos into his life, she will 100% be his ultimate weakness.

This is why it is so important for men to focus on building themselves so that they do not find themselves in a position with a woman that does not support them.

This is also why a man needs to be driven by purpose and be driven to make something of himself, otherwise, why would a woman ever waste her time?

When you really think about it, having a ride or die is what everyone wants on paper, but very few people actually have it.

Very few people are actually with partners they would ride to the end of the earth with.

This often begs the question as to why this is and to me the answer is simple - nobody wants to work for anything!

Social media culture has completely ruined peoples abilities to cultivate genuine relationships because everything is about having immediate gratification.

It is a culture of seeking short term gratification, rather then working for the long term reward.

This is something I talk about very often because I think it is so important for people and their abilities to create genuine substance in their lives.

If you want to discover your purpose, then you have to be able to picture what you want your life to look like 10, 20, 30 years down the line.

You need to become aware that your actions now, and the things you practice and continue to practice because they are all going to have an effect on your future.

This doesn't mean you can't have fun and that you shouldn't have fun, but if fun is the only thing you are practicing, then your life will always lack substance.

As humans, we need substance in our lives to give us balance.

Things that give us substance are the simple pleasures in life like being out in nature, being active, reading a book, or the love of a genuine woman.

If you sacrifice substance for short term gratification, it will have long term effects on your ability to find peace.

What men truly want from a woman is what we consider a ride or die - a woman that respects us to her core, that is undeniably loyal, supportive in our endeavors, and believes in us and our mission.

Truth be told, you cannot put a price on a woman that believes and is truly supportive of her man because the amount of value she has to add is endless.

It all starts with respect because when a woman respects her man with every ounce of her being, she is capable of allowing her man to unlock a super power that he didn't even know he had.

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