Resisting Biological Urges

Resisting Biological Urges

It is to no-one's surprise that men have a deep insatiable desire for women.

We can see in modern culture just how easily men are influenced by women through things like social media.

We have talked about the Instagram models plenty of times before, but what is so interesting about beautiful women on the internet is that men are almost sitting at their feet like puppy dogs waiting for their chance to get pet.

It is a biological urge for a man to be attracted to women, especially beautiful women.

When it comes to beautiful women, men are all fighting for the chance to get her attention and this is ultimately why dating for men in modern culture is hyper-competitive.

Men that are smart understand that they are competing against other men to win that woman's attention over.

This is why when a beautiful woman tells a man that he is the only one she is talking to, 98% of the time it is never true because the reality is, all men are trying to get a beautiful woman's attention, so the idea that a beautiful woman is only talking to one man is highly unrealistic by today's standards.

The truth is, women are always talking to someone - they may not be having sex with multiple men at one time, but they are always talking to more than one man in some way, shape, or form.

This is also why things like dating apps and social media have completely ruined modern culture in terms of being able to find genuine love.

There are six times as many men as women on dating apps and pretty much everybody knows that men on dating apps are looking for sex, not love.

While dating apps give people a false sense of having options, it also plays into the drive that people have to give in to their biological urges, particularly in hitting the pleasure center of the brain by seeking short term gratification.

In short, men are seeking pleasure through sex, and women are seeking pleasure through attention, both of which are biological urges that men and women have.

Men have an innate desire to procreate given our chemical makeup, and this is why men feel strong sexual urges when it comes to seeing attractive women.

Women on the other hand, have an innate desire to seek out the attention of a man because due to their chemical makeup, the pair bond a woman has with the man is her best chance at survival.

This does not go without mentioning that biologically speaking, women do not have the same sexual desire towards men than men have towards women.

When you do see a woman that is promiscuous and desires multiple men that she sees or talks to, it is because she is addicted to attention given that she has been unable to resist her biological urge of seeking out attention from men.

When we look at things from an evolutionary standpoint, women are hardwired to seek out attention from one man because of survival, so when you see a woman seeking out attention from multiple men, she lacks the ability to resist her biological urge of seeking male validation - this is why it becomes an addiction.

The same way when men go on benders of pursuing women for sex, they lack the ability to resist their biological urges for the result of short term gratification.

Pleasure is a primal feeling that humans experience and it is something that we have evolved with, even long before the evolution of what we now know as human consciousness.

The two most primal states that humans can be in is from sex, and eating.

Think about it, we eat food to survive, and we have sex to procreate - two standard foundational elements of human evolution.

This is why seeking pleasure through short term gratification becomes an addiction for most people in modern culture because humans were designed to survive, not to thrive.

By just surviving, we are much more adept to seeking pleasure because these are basic evolutionary needs that humans have.

However, when it comes to being able to thrive, it is a matter of being able to separate pleasure from logic and pursuing long term rewards, instead of short term gratification.

This is why a humans ability to resist their biological urges and focus on a specific outcome they wish to achieve in life is the way for humans to thrive.

The less a human is able to resist their biological urges, the more they set themselves up for failure in their future.

The inability to resist biological urges will have long term psychological effects.

This is why when women choose to be promiscuous, they are often unaware that making themselves easily available to men is going to have massive long term effects on their ability to find a man in the future that they will be able to pair bond with.

The more men a woman has been with, the more she damages herself emotionally and the more she damages her ability to pair bond with a man.

When a man chooses pleasure over pain and sacrifice, he too becomes a victim of his own desires.

This is why much of modern society is full or narcissists and psychopaths.

We have a society of narcissistic men that cannot control their sexual urges towards women, whether they are rich men or poor men, giving women attention nonstop and making it impossible for them to not also become narcissistic psychopaths.

Think about it, women today are being rewarded for being narcissistic psychopaths by men!

This is a result of humans being completely unaware that their biological urges and their constant seek of short term gratification is completely fucking them long term from being able to find peace and fulfillment in life.

We can sit here and make evolutionary arguments and "this is just how humans are" arguments all day long, but the reality is that God gave us the ability to be conscious beings so that we can go out and create our own lives.

This means that God gave us the ability to recognize that there are biological urges that humans have and he has gifted us with the ability of being aware what those urges are, and has blessed us with the tools to overcome them - sheer will.

No amount of stupid infantile arguments a man could make about having "multiple wives" or justifying cheating on his wife or girlfriend due to biological urges is ever going hold water over the fact that God gave us the ability to be conscious beings so that we can make our own choices, and be moral and civil humans.

The key to thriving in life is being able to resist biological urges, resist pleasure and seeking short term gratification, and focusing on what you can do right here right now that will help you achieve desired outcomes in your future.

Everything in your life is a result of the choices that you make.

God will continue to test you to see if you are truly capable of having the things that you want - you either fail to prepare, or you prepare to succeed.

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