Putting The 'Playboy' In Playboy Ranchin'

Putting The 'Playboy' In Playboy Ranchin'

Now that I have your attention, I would like to talk about something that I get asked about quite often.

Anyone that has known me for some time, is aware of what I used to do for a living.

For those that are new here, buckle up...

In 2018, I moved from Maryland to Las Vegas to pursue a dream that I had since I was a kid - to be in the entertainment business.

I wanted to be an actor and star in comedy films/commercials.

I recognized from an early age that I had talent. I began doing impressions from the time I was 10 years old and could recite lines from movies word for word exactly how it was perceived in the movie itself.

The plan was to move to Las Vegas, get started in entertainment, and eventually move to Los Angeles and pursue my dream.

The first year I lived in Vegas, I worked as a street performer on Fremont Street - old downtown Las Vegas.

My job was to pull girls in from off of the street, take photos with them, and give them an experience to try and sell the photos.

I would stand down on Fremont Street with my shirt off and watch thousands of faces from all over the world walk past me every single night. It was a fast paced environment and I learned to be quick on my toes in terms of being able to communicate and sell.

While this may sound like it would be an "exciting" job for a young man to have, it was mentally exhausting. I was ready to move on to something in real entertainment because that was the entire reason I moved all the way across the country in the first place.

Working as a street performer taught me an extremely valuable skill-set in my ability to communicate - a skill that I have been able to take with me everywhere.

One night while I was working on Fremont, I was approached by a woman asking me to audition for a live show - Chippendales. I told her that I didn't dance and she told me to come audition anyway.

So, I auditioned the following week, learned my first 8-count, got the job and started learning the choreography for the show.

For those who aren't familiar with Chippendales, it is a live show on the Las Vegas strip. Most people who are familiar with the brand, assume that it is a male strip club - however, it's not a strip club, it's a full live production. Male stripping is part of the production, without giving the creepy vibes you would find in a club.

I learned the choreography to the show relatively quickly, without any prior dance experience and began performing just weeks after my first audition.

I became a face that women from all over the world loved to come and see perform.

I received a lot of attention from women, just for having a good smile and being in good physical shape. Every young mans dream...

I get asked quite frequently about what my experience was like working at the world famous Chippendales and it was nothing short of spectacular! Management, staff, and my castmates truly made me feel like I was a part of a family and continue to make me feel like a part of their family to this day, even though I no longer live in Las Vegas and perform in the show there.

Performing in a live show was a great experience and I walked away with stories that that I will remember for the rest of my life. I got a real taste of everything I moved all way across the country for.

After being in the entertainment business for the 4 years I spent living in Vegas, I realized that being in entertainment the way I thought I wanted, wasn't really what I was destined for in my lifetime.

I set my goal of moving out to the west coast to get started in entertainment, I reached that goal and still felt like there was something else that I was supposed to be doing.

While getting a lot of attention from women might seem like every mans dream, it is something that wasn't truly fulfilling in my experience. It was cool in the beginning, but at the end of the day, all I ever wanted was to come home to one woman that I love, protect, and provide for.

I learned through male entertainment that women genuinely are simple creatures. All a man really has to do is make her smile, make her feel wanted and she will be happy.

Regardless of the pressure and societal norms that take place in the world today, women inherently all want to feel wanted and protected.

I have never been one to take part in degeneracy. I have never been one to bring home a new girl every night even though the opportunities were always available.

All I ever wanted was to love and protect one woman and come home to her everyday.

At this stage of my life, I am laser focused on becoming the man that is capable of giving his woman the life she has always wanted - giving their children the life they deserve - being a protector and provider for those who rely on him.

I was raised by a single mother who really is the hardest working person I have ever seen in my entire life. In fact, I believe my work ethic comes from my mother - I just had to learn it and harness that super power.

I have seen what it's like for a single mother to have to take on both roles as the mother and the father. The last thing I would ever want for my family is to not have a husband and father that they can rely on.

Being raised by a single mother has given me a profound respect for women and I want nothing more than to make my mother and the women in my life proud of me. Proud of me for being the strongest man in their lives.

My mother gave me life and the very least I could do is work hard every single day to become the strongest version of myself and make her proud to call me her son.

Women have the most important job on the entire planet in creating life. It is my job and it is my duty as a man to make sure everything else is accounted for.

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