Promiscuous Behavior Patterns In Men And Women

Promiscuous Behavior Patterns In Men And Women

We have talked about promiscuous individuals in previous posts but today, I want to get a closer look into being able to identify if a man or woman is promiscuous by set behavior patterns.

Things we often associate with promiscuous behavior are things like having many sexual partners, wearing revealing clothing online or in public, serial dating, selling one's body for money and/or attention etc.

While all of these things fall under the umbrella of promiscuous behavior, I think it is important for one to first understand what the definition of promiscuity is first.

Promiscuity, in its most raw form, is an addiction to attention.

This is why serial dating is considered promiscuous behavior because it is an addiction to validation, it doesn't always have to be about selling sex.

When we look at promiscuous behavior, there are very clear and distinct patterns of behavior that I think both men and women need to become aware of.

Being as that I used to be in male entertainment, I can tell you from personal experience what promiscuous behavior looks like in men, so we will start there.

When it comes to men being promiscuous, you will be able to tell based off of their lifestyle and how they choose to live.

Oftentimes when men are promiscuous, they are constantly out and about, living the nightlife, drinking and partying, etc.

What ladies need to understand is that part of the reason men go out is to look for and flirt with women, especially if it is a common occurrence.

While promiscuous women have similar behavior in this regard, the point that I am trying to make is that someone who is consistently putting themselves in a position to approach women or women being approached by men is a pattern of promiscuous behavior.

Another clear identifier of promiscuous behavior in men is men that choose to be on dating apps.

Men on dating apps are only on there for one thing and that is for attention or sex.

Not only did this man swipe on you, but he swiped on 10 other girls that he's messaging that same day, 10 other girls from the day before, and 10 other girls from the day before that etc.

How a man chooses to spend his time will tell you a lot about if he is promiscuous or not.

If he is constantly putting himself in a position to be surrounded by women, or talk to women, this is consistent promiscuous behavior.

A man's ability to woo women is a sign of promiscuous behavior because if it is effortless for him to get you to take your clothes off, it is not his first rodeo.

This also doesn't go without mentioning that if he is trying to get you take your clothes off on the very first date, he is most likely just there for sex and sex only.

When talking to women becomes effortless to a man, it is a man that has had enough experience talking to women and knows enough about how they work to exploit them and get what he wants from them.

Take it from me personally - I personally have never had a problem talking to or picking up women, especially since talking to women is what I used to do for a living.

It is not hard to get a woman to say "yes" to you, especially in today's culture and some men enjoy the thrill of picking up new women.

For a man like myself, I never got true satisfaction getting attention from women.

Everything was cool at first but after awhile, having to entertain new women is genuinely exhausting.

For some men, it is the thrill of the chase and these are the kinds of men that display the most distinct promiscuous behavior by inherently gravitating towards things that bring them pleasure.

As we stated above, promiscuity is an addiction to attention and men that chase after women are addicted to the chase.

When it comes to identifying promiscuous women, there are some similar behavior patterns but also some different one's because the male and female imperatives differ quite a bit.

Like men, promiscuous women are constantly putting themselves in a position to be approached by men, whether it be posting revealing pictures of themselves online, or wearing revealing clothes out to the club every weekend.

While some women might disagree, what a woman decides to wear and what she decides to show of herself is going to determine the kind of men she attracts.

The way that I look at it is women are the marketers and men are the salesmen - all a woman has to do is be somewhere and she will have men approach her because like I just said, men are the salesmen.

The more a woman puts herself in a position to be approached by men, whether it be online or in public, the more promiscuous she is.

This is why things like serial dating is considered promiscuous behavior because it is an addiction to attention - date one man for a week or two, while talking to someone else who you then date for a couple months, while still swiping on dating apps and talking to this person who you then go meet etc.

The reason why promiscuous behavior differs between men and women is because typically when women are on dating apps, they are looking for and expecting some sort of relationship.

The discrepancy here is that the more men a woman becomes accessible to, the less valuable she becomes in nature.

When a woman's attention is spread out to all of these different men, her time and attention becomes less valuable - this is the basic principle of inflation.

A man can typically tell when a woman is promiscuous by looking into her past, seeing how many relationships she has had, what her dating history is like etc.

You can also tell when a woman is promiscuous when you are talking to her and she is hot and cold with her attention towards you.

If a woman is hot one week and then goes cold for a day, it is because she is getting her fix of new attention and validation from new men.

Because promiscuity is an addiction to attention, women are always going to be looking for that fix of new validation from new men because it is an addiction.

It is no different than a man who is a raging alcoholic and is constantly looking for his fix to get through the day

By recognizing it as an addiction, a man can become more aware of the kinds of behavior a woman has and act accordingly.

What men need to realize is if he is dating a woman who is promiscuous, she will no longer see you as a man who can validate her.

This is why promiscuous women will typically have other male friends and talk to ex boyfriends because of the addiction to seeking validation.

This is not to say that women are bad people for being promiscuous, women just need to understand that when it comes to men looking for a wife, he is not going to want his woman being so easily accessible by other men.

Men realize that women preserve their value by being highly exclusive from men, not being so accessible via social media and dating apps.

I think what a lot of women need to realize is that men get respect from other men based off of how well put together his woman is.

If a man is with a beautiful woman and she is posting half naked online, men will lose respect for him for allowing his woman to post that kind of content.

Men will lose respect for other men that allow their woman to dress provocatively online or in public because it makes him look unprofessional.

Men will respect men that have a beautiful woman that carries herself in such a manner that is professional and not revealing to other men.

Modern day mainstream ideology generally claims men who do not want their woman being scandalous as men being "insecure" when it couldn't be further from the truth.

What makes a man insecure is him allowing his woman to continue to get away with poor behavior, such as being promiscuous, and allows her to continue to disrespect him.

Men that are secure are men that set boundaries because they are secure and know where they stand in the relationship.

If I am not going out there to promote myself to other women, then I don't want you out there making me look stupid by promoting yourself to other men.

For men, it is about respect because not only do we want respect from our woman, we want respect from out peers, our friends, and our families.

This is why who a man chooses to share his time with will determine just how valuable he is as a man.

If he is insecure and dating a promiscuous woman who doesn't respect him and is constantly talking to other men behind his back, or posting revealing photos of herself online, other men will never respect him if he continues to allow it.

The same way if a woman puts up with bad behavior from her man and does not walk away, she eventually loses respect from her peers.

Promiscuity is a sensitive topic for a lot of people, especially in today's culture where everything and everyone is hyper-sexualized but I believe it is something that need to be talked about so that people can actually be aware of the root issue.

Promiscuity is an addiction to attention and the more you feed your fix of new attention and validation, the less capable you are for having something genuine.

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