Prepare For The Worst

Prepare For The Worst

Often when we think of having a specific desired outcome, we tend to only think about the positive potential reward.

We don't stop and think about what would happen if we failed at whatever it is the we are trying to accomplish.

For instance, when you meet somebody new that you actually like, you don't think about the possibility of that person not liking you back.

Or if you begin dating somebody new with the intention of it being a long term relationship, the thought of it not working out doesn't even seem to cross your mind.

When we are consumed in whatever it is that we are trying to accomplish, the idea of failure falls by the wayside.

Failure is a natural consequence when in pursuit of anything that we deem as desired.

For most, failure is hard to deal with.

When things don't turn out exactly how we had hoped, we tend to bask in the misery of our failure and ask a million questions as to why we didn't get what we wanted.

The ego gets shot down and diminished amidst failure.

We feel sorry for ourselves and ask ourselves "why me?", as if playing the victim is going to help us feel better for our distraught ego.

The best thing we can do to combat this situation is to prepare for the worst possible outcome to anything we are pursuing because unfortunately, when it comes to life, nothing is 100% certain.

In fact, everything that we know about life is calculated probability.

We have to accept the fact that some things just aren't going to work out in our favor, regardless of how much effort we put in.

By preparing for the worst, we can strategize a new plan of action to continue our pursuits.

When it comes to relationships, it can be a little bit tricky because feelings and emotions get tangled up with others.

It's hard to say "prepare for the worst" when dealing with other people, but the rule still applies nonetheless.

With people, we have to understand that there is always the possibility that a specific person may not be suited to be a part of our life's journey.

We may even have deep feelings for the said person and feelings of love, which can make things all the more complicated.

However, if presented with signs of disrespect or repeated disrespectful behavior, you must be prepared to walk away and move on.

I want to make clear that I am not saying to think negatively or only think about the negative outcome, but be prepared if the undesired outcome arises.

If we prepare for failure, we can reinforce our abilities to get back on track and continue on with our pursuits instead of just giving up entirely.

All failures make great lessons and there is something to be learned from each one.

If a particular action or behavior you had did not work for you, you must be able to identify this so that you can change the said behavior moving forward.

If you deliberately ignored someone's red flags from the very beginning, then you must be able to make a mental note of this and prepare yourself so that it doesn't happen again.

You have to be prepared for when things do not go your way because it is the only way to make a genuine change and continue on pursuing your mission.

Don't think of preparing for the worst as negative, because the last thing you want to do is be trapped in a loop of negative thoughts and behaviors.

Instead, think of the preparation of failure as a strategy to keep moving forward in the face of adversity.

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