Picking And Choosing Your Battles

Picking And Choosing Your Battles

One thing that I believe we can all agree on is that it is inherently impossible for everyone to agree.

One of the biggest problems we face today is constant internal conflict.

Whether it is rich vs. poor, black vs. white, right vs. left, pro vs. anti LBGTQ, etc. regardless of who or what the problem is, people are at constant war with one another when in theory, we are all supposed to be on the same team.

When you begin to remove yourself from the noise and all of the chaos, it begins to make more sense as to why we are all in constant conflict with one another.

As humans, we all think we are better than we really are.

We all think we are smarter than we really are.

We all think we are better looking than we really are.

We all think that we are funnier than we really are.

The truth is, the list can go on and on in terms of humans naturally believing we are better in general than we really are.

The reality is, there is always someone out there who is better than you!

There will always be someone smarter.

There will always be someone who makes more money.

There will always be someone who is younger and better looking than you.

Now, I am not saying this to hurt your feelings, but to give you perspective because truth be told, nobody cares about how great you are or how you feel unless you give them a reason to.

The people who are the doers of the world are the ones that change it, period.

When we think about conflict, we first have to ask ourselves why conflict exists in the first place.

To me, the answer is simple: distraction.

The more distracted people are, the less they are actually thinking about what is actually going on around the world, and the less they are thinking about the people who control it.

The more distracted people are, the less they are actually able to think for themselves at all!

This is why it is important to learn how to pick and choose your battles when it comes to dealing with other people.

You must accept that not everyone wants to be saved and not everyone wants to wake up to the reality of there being other players at large that are calling the shots and keeping us all separated.

The fact is, there are ALWAYS going to be people that are emotionally driven in their decision making and there are always going to be those who are logical in their decision making.

Those who are emotionally driven become so emotionally attached to their thoughts and beliefs that the more logical you are, the more offended they become.

This is where one must learn to pick and choose their battles wisely.

For example, I know that arguing with a feminist online is not worth my time or the expenditure of brain calories.


Because radical ideologists are emotionally driven in their thinking and lack the ability to think for themselves - they all think the same things for the same reasons.

With something like feminism, feminists themselves can't even tell you why feminism exists, they just know what they have been told because they have been indoctrinated into a system that has told women not to rely on men.

Part of this is true because in all honesty, men have been emasculated for generations and now we are beginning to see just how bad things can get when men don't act like men.

When men don't act like men, things like feminism happen - women are taught not to rely on men, they have to be independent and self-sufficient, and women are equal to men in every way.

Truth be told, I can understand why feminism exists because most feminist women have truly never been surrounded by good strong men a day in their lives.

Not having a true leader and protector to show you the way is the easiest way to learn to not have to rely on men for anything, and if there is anything we know, men today are less capable of being leaders than in past generations.

While I can understand why feminism exists, I also know it's complete and utter bullshit!

The reason why it's bullshit is because there are still women that exist that actually think like women.

There are still women that want good strong men to protect and provide for them, make sound decisions for them, and build a life with them.

There are still women that want to submit to a man who is masculine and capable of leading them.

If you want a man that can be your "peace" because you have a hard life being independent - congratulations, you think like a man!

Men that are capable and driven towards pursuing a larger purpose in life are only searching for comfort and peace when pursuing a woman.

If you are a woman who wants someone to just "accept you" exactly how you are, be your peace, love you unconditionally, and listen to everything you say - get a dog!

If you want someone to lead you, protect you mentally, physically, and emotionally, make sound decisions for you, provide and be driven towards a larger purpose in life - get a man!

See, on one side there will be women who read that and get offended and probably call me a misogynist.

While on the other side, there are women that are searching for men that they can willingly submit to.

On one side there will be women who say "you're not a woman, you don't understand."

While on the other side you have women who say "these women just don't understand men."

Women that think and act like women understand men, whereas women who think and act like men don't understand men at all.

This is a clear example as to why it is important for one to pick and choose their battles because there will always be those who are too emotionally attached to their own thoughts and beliefs to be capable of forming any rational thought.

You simply cannot tell a feminist that the only reason why feminism exists is because the people calling the shots have been working behind the scenes for generations to castrate men, throw women into the workforce because more workers means more tax dollars, which means more money in their pockets, and completely obliterate the family unit so that the mother and father are both never home, while their kids get raised by the system.

You cannot reason with a woman that would rather have a castrated lap dog at home as to why the world (especially women) needs strong men to lead.

You cannot reason with someone who hates Trump just because of something he said or did and choose to vote against him while completely disregarding the current state of affairs that the world is in.

You cannot reason with someone who truly has no conceptual thought as to how the world really works.

This is why one must pick and choose their battles.

You should always respect the fact that other people have an opinion, but if you can clearly see it is an emotionally driven opinion, you must learn to save yourself the headache.

Not everyone wants to be saved, it's just the way that it is.

And those who claim they don't need to be saved are usually the ones that do the most.

With that being said, there are more and more people starting to wake up and realize that there is something larger going on than what meets the eye.

There are those who are beginning to feel like they have been locked in a cage this entire time by the system and for those people, I am speaking directly to you.

You must learn that you CANNOT save somebody from themselves, all you can do is continue to make yourself useful so that you can bring others up around you who want to build.

You can give people the tools, the skills, and the knowledge, but it is up to them to make something out of it.

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