One Thing Every Man Should Do

One Thing Every Man Should Do

Today, I am in the mood to stir up the pot and that is exactly what I am setting out to do.

First, I will start off by saying, I could care less what a man chooses to do with his life or not, and I will not judge a man based off of how he wishes to live his life, or judge anyone for that matter.

I reflect a lot on things that I have learned, studied, and experienced to help me formulate my reality in its most objective form, and you have the ability to do the same.

I talk about a lot of things that have helped me personally, especially when in pursuit of becoming the strongest possible version of myself.

I am going to share with you all one thing that I truly believe any man could benefit from and it is something that I have experienced and continue to experience personally.

The one thing that I think every man should do to benefit themselves, is to stop masturbating.

That's right, gentlemen, it's time to put your thingy away and start using the one thing that God gifted you with, your brain.

We all know how people refer to men thinking with one head or the other, and it is true!

A man's strong sexual urges and desires are biologically hardwired into our DNA because nature says "procreate now, think later".

When a man isn't partaking in sexual intercourse, he results to the next best thing, playing with himself until his desire is gone and his short term gratification is met.

This doesn't go without mentioning that just about every man is either jerking off or has jerked off before.

We have all done it, so if anyone who knows why a man would feel the need to masturbate, it is from other men that have experienced that same need.

What I have discovered is that masturbation in its most raw form, is a waste of time.

That's all it is, wasted time, especially if you are one that watches porn.

By the time you find a video to sauce your little meat up to completion, you have just wasted 30 minutes of your time that you are never going to get back.

That is 30 minutes you could have been spending doing something productive such as reading a book, learning a new skill, or even going for a walk.

It is a waste of time and a waste of energy.

One of the worst things that a man could do is waste his most powerful energy source - his sex drive.

A man's sexual energy is one of the strongest forces that a man is capable of wielding and he can either wield it for destruction, or wield it to gain strength.

By not giving in to your short term gratification, you will naturally start looking for other things that you can do, even when your urge is at its strongest.

By supplementing your strongest urges and desires with productive behavior, your mindset begins to shift and you start to realize you are capable of doing a lot more than you originally thought.

The mental clarity that comes from remaining abstinent and not partaking in masturbation is something that men should strive for.

Now, I am not saying if you have a girlfriend or a wife to remain abstinent and refrain from having sex.

However, if you are a single man that is sleeping around with random women, the best thing you can do is remain abstinent because by remaining abstinent, you realize just how much more important it is to have only one woman that loves, respects, and supports you.

This is what I mean by mental clarity - your vision of your future begins to become much more real, and you become more clear on the things you want in life, the things you value, and the kinds of people you want to have around you.

If all you are doing is wasting your time by watching porn and jerking off, you are never going to truly be focused on the the things that make you strong.

Not to mention that porn is literal poison to a man's brain.

There are studies being done on the effects that porn has on the male brain and it is no surprise that men that watch porn are naturally more depressed, naturally more lazy, and never truly satisfied.

So what is actually the point of doing something that we know is a waste of time and consuming content that we know is poison to the brain?

The fact is, there is no point, you are doing it to satisfy a short term desire, instead of thinking about your long term goals and future achievements.

When a man stops giving in to his short term pleasure, he moves differently, he talks differently, he thinks differently, and the people he attracts into his life respect him more as a result.

Think about who you respect more, a man that is driven with a purpose, or a man that seeks pleasure?

The point is, if you can put your meat back in your pants and truly focus on achieving a desired outcome in life, the sky is the limit in terms of your actual capabilities.

Women will be much more responsive to a man that is driven by purpose and not one that is driven buy pleasure.

You have to make a conscious decision every time you feel your primal urges start to kick in.

A long enough stream of these conscious decisions create a condition in which the mind understands it is capable of overcoming things, even the bodies most primal instincts.

Get it together, gentlemen.

We are born to do much more than sit at home and masturbate or watch porn - we are born to serve God and make our impact on the world by helping others.

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