Objective Masculinity

Objective Masculinity

By now, you know that the entire goal here at Playboy Ranchin' is to build a community of strong men and women that have traditional values.

While a lot of what we talk about has to deal with modern day problems between men and women, the entire point is to get people thinking about ways to fix the problems by bringing them to peoples attention, and providing solutions as to how men and women can begin to work together again.

I do believe that many of the problems men and women have, both in society and in relationships, can be solved by having the difficult conversations.

By having difficult conversations, whether it be with yourself or a loved one, is sometimes all it takes for someone to get clear with their thoughts, goals, and behavior.

We cover a lot about the things that men and women can do by living more traditionally, given that traditional values are core fundamentals for productive human behavior, instead of the modern day destructive behavior people are now rewarded with.

The more that we can decipher what it truly means to be a man and a woman and what it means for us to work together, the better off our generation and future generations will be in terms of being productive to society.

The topic of today's post is going to cover much of what we have covered in our daily posts about men being men and what it means to be truly masculine.

When a man is objectively masculine, he understands his role as a man, his place in society, and his duty as the leader of his home.

The primary role of a man is to be a protector provider for the ones that he loves and cares for.

While it might be easy for men to get caught up in the degeneracy of other men on social media flying around the world and picking up beautiful women, it is important for men to understand that a man in his true masculine is a protector and provider for his wife and family.

The key point here is his ONE wife - not four, not ten, not fifty, but one wife.

The argument that egotistical men in the modern era make about having more than one wife is nothing less than infantile.

The only thing the multiple wives argument screams is "insecure" because a man is afraid of being able to find true love and give that in return to a woman.

Regardless of what any man says, it is impossible to be in love with more than one other person.

Because truth be told, a man that is truly in love with a woman is ready to die for that woman at the drop of a hat.

You're telling me some little man with God complex that thinks he deserves fourteen wives is going to give his life for all of them?

Give me a break!

A man cannot simply make enough time for more than one woman.

This is something that is impossible, especially if he claims to be an important man.

Sure, maybe this man can afford them financially, but there simply isn't enough man to go around having multiple wives, my friend - it is time to grow up because trust me, one of them, if not all of them will eventually cheat.

Objectively masculine men are men that are able to hold frame, meaning that he knows his role as the leader of the house, and is responsible for making decisions that effect the lives of those that rely on him.

Men that are masculine are stoic, meaning that they have control over their emotions and are able to remain calm under pressure.

Men that are masculine are confident, meaning that they know what they are capable of and execute their capabilities to their fullest potential when needed.

Men that are masculine are capable of violence, but in full 100% control of using it only upon a serious threat.

Men that are masculine are men that are purpose driven and focused on achieving the things that they set their minds to.

Men that are masculine have the ability to be soft and loving to a feminine woman that truly supports him, and cares about him because that is the woman he is committing the rest of his life to protecting and providing for at all costs.

Men that are masculine understand the true meaning of commitment - he does what he says and says what he does.

Men living in their true masculine also know when to say "no".

A man that has the ability to say no has the ability to think for himself, draw his own conclusions, see what does and what doesn't align with his purpose in life, and make critical thoughts happen.

Objectively masculine men are the types of men that every woman wants to be with, but very few women understand by today's standards.

It is natural for a woman to seek out a man that is objectively masculine because this is in every woman's DNA.

The problem that women run into is not understanding how men think and operate, due to the lack of femininity in modern culture.

While the point of today's post is not to rectify objective femininity, it is important to note that women in general all want objectively masculine men.

The truth about men that are masculine is that they are in search for a woman that is truly feminine.

Men that have the capability of doing everything on their own are looking for the woman that can add peace and balance to his life and nothing less.

Men that are objectively masculine do not care how independent a woman is, how capable she is of being on her own, or what career path she is choosing.

The only thing a man wants is a woman that is equally as fulfilled as he is, and is capable of giving him respect, loyalty, peace, and never ending support.

This is objective masculinity in a nutshell.

As a man, you either do or you don't.

You shit or get off the pot.

The only thing that matters is being able to find that fire inside that will launch you into taking action to becoming the man you were born to be.

If you fail to do this, then you have chosen your fate.

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