Not Knowing What You Want

Not Knowing What You Want

A lack of a life strategy will often leave someone dead in their tracks and never truly find their purpose in life.

Finding your purpose in this life is one of the most rewarding feelings you will ever experience.

When you find the thing that get you excited and makes you want to get up and learn new things everyday is a never-ending journey to fulfillment.

This doesn't go without mentioning that when you truly find your purpose, your capacity to learn increases exponentially.

In other words, your ability to grasp information and retain it increases at a much faster rate because you are learning something you actually enjoy.

You will be able to harness the power of the flow state when you are fully submerged in your work because you are doing it with a purpose.

One thing that I have found is that once you submerse yourself in learning something you actually enjoy, it makes learning things that are not so enjoyable easier.

You may not retain as much of the information, but the quest for more knowledge becomes more prominent in your day-to-day life.

Finding your purpose requires strategy.

Finding the thing you plan on doing for the rest of your life and making a living off of is something that requires long term planning and action.

Once your strategy for finding your purpose is made up, the things you truly want in life will become more clear to you.

In a world that is submerged in social media and other peoples lives, the things you truly want in life become unclear.

In fact, I would argue that most people who think that they know what they want in life don't actually know what they want.

People might think that they know because of the things they consume on a daily basis, but true fulfillment is often unclear in the modern world.

For example, when you see someone living a lavish life and traveling all around, it is easy for the average consumer to think they want the same kind of life, but they develop no strategy and take no action towards actually having the life they think that they want.

Some people who even appear to be successful don't actually find fulfillment in what they do.

When one solely lives with the intention of feeding their ego, genuine fulfillment becomes unclear - there is no greater purpose in what they are doing.

Some people achieve the things they thought they wanted just to feel unfulfilled and that is not the true meaning of life, regardless of how successful you appear to others.

The way that I see it, I do not think anyone truly knows what they want because people are too busy thinking about what makes sense to them in the moment instead of planning for the long term.

As humans, we have feelings and emotions that can easily direct our thinking and often leaving us short of finding the things we truly want in life.

Think about it, everytime you have a certain feeling, the thought that comes with it can make you think you want something in that moment, until you have another feeling that makes you think you want something completely different.

This is especially true for dating in the modern world.

Men will often be persuaded into thinking they want certain things from a female, but then do nothing to become the man worthy of the things they claim that they want.

Some men will even find a woman that offers them what they want, and their feelings change because they lack the long term strategy of how to make things work out with that particular woman.

In other words, these men will often direct themselves elsewhere because of feelings they have in that moment instead of making a long term plan to be with the woman they thought they wanted.

Women on the other hand, most of the time, never truly know what they want from a man.

This is a genuine observation, so please do not take this personally.

Given the fact that women are emotional beings, their feelings and emotions will often direct them in wanting different things from a man all of the time.

One day they will want a man that is strong, loving, loyal, and emotionally available, until they meet a man that is those things and they go running for the door.

There are many different factors as to why this is, and past traumas do play a role in how women think.

We know that when it comes to trauma, the feelings that are created from our traumas are tethered to our own deeply rooted insecurities.

If a woman has experienced a lot of emotional pain in her past, it is easy for her to think that she would want something that doesn't bring her that same emotional pain, but if all she has experienced was pain, particularly with men in her life, her constant fluctuations of emotions will direct her thoughts and behaviors elsewhere.

The same holds true for men also, especially in the modern world.

The more we consume everything around us, the less ability we have to think strategically around our insecurities.

It is easy to sit here and think about how great our lives would be if we had certain things, but most are completely unaware of their own behavior and why they are the way that they are.

Most people are aware of their insecurities, but develop no strategy as to how to get around them.

So naturally, the things we want are constantly in fluctuation with the thoughts and feelings we are having in that moment.

The way around this is to think more critically and understanding the deepest parts of yourselves so that you can better understand others.

Once you truly come to realize what it is that makes you insecure and why you behave the way that you do, the more you will be able to develop a long term strategy around them and even use your insecurities to your advantage.

Clarity comes from self-actualization and self-awareness, not consuming and reactions to your own feelings.

It is important to note that nobody is perfect, and this is why working on mastering yourself is a never-ending battle that we will endure for the rest of our lives.

There is always more to be done, but it starts by taking deliberate action towards finding your purpose and working to pursue it.

Live your lives congruently with your purpose and the things that you actually want will become clear.

If you are a woman, you cannot sit there and say that you want a man that is X, Y, and Z and do nothing to be worthy of the things that you claim that you want, because what you want is constantly going to fluctuate in relation to your emotions and feelings.

If you are a man, you cannot sit there and say that you want to live a certain kind of life, attract the woman of your dreams, and build a family with her if your actions are not congruent with what you say that you want.

Find your purpose, develop a long term strategy, and take massive action if you truly want to find what you actually want in life.

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