Not Going Hard Enough

Not Going Hard Enough

Yesterday, we talked about the dangers in one's ability of taking things to the extreme and the consequences if one were to do such a thing.

Today, I want to talk about the complete opposite because as Newton's Third Law states: for every action, there as an equal and opposite reaction.

In this case, going hard can cause you problems, but the adverse is also true because not doing anything at all or doing things just to get by can also cause you problems.

This one is a given and to be quite honest with you, doesn't even seem worthy of an explanation because every single one of us knows that if we do not try at something, there is no chance in us being able to create success.

The question then becomes: then why do people do it?

Why do people choose to do nothing or choose to not put forth their best efforts?

There are many reasons as to why this is, but for me personally, it boils down to laziness and arrogance.

Most people are naturally lazy because it is the path of least resistance.

It is easier to think of something or picture your life a certain way than to actually go out and live the life you envision.

Part of the problem that I see is that not enough people truly envision that kind of life for themselves.

Sure, we have all thought about what our lives would be like if we were rich and successful yada yada yada.

But what I mean is, not enough people truly envision the life that suits their spirit.

When you have nothing driving you, when you lack purpose, you naturally result to mediocrity and laziness.

Once you find the thing that truly makes you want to wake up everyday and go out and achieve something, that is when your life actually begins.

The thing that drives you is exactly what is going to make you want to put forth your best effort.

If you have no purpose and you are not sure where to look, you can always start by helping people.

Helping others achieve something for themselves by sharing your skills or knowledge in something.

Not only will this feeling of helping others bring you fulfillment, but it will also allow you to be more creative in how you wish to help others.

Whether you are a kids soccer coach - coaching young kids and helping them develop their skills to play at the next level.

Or maybe, you studied something that actually interested you in college (even though I would argue that there probably isn't much), and you could share that knowledge to others.

For me, I get immense amount of satisfaction from self-education and being able to forge my own path intellectually because my own genuine curiosity coupled with life experience is exactly what has brought me to this point in time in creating this brand - with the ultimate goal of being able to help other people take steps forward in becoming better versions of themselves.

If I can help and serve others, then I know I am on the right path and it is the path that God wants me on.

The more I am able to think of ways that I can use my brain to help someone else, the better I feel and the more it pushes me to want to be better, be smarter and more educated, work harder, and continue to learn as much as I possibly can.

I view knowledge as the ultimate tool for success in anything.

Acquiring knowledge takes work, and it takes experience - it is not something that is willfully bestowed upon you.

Sure, some people are born higher IQ, maybe even higher than your IQ, but that doesn't mean you can't still improve.

You must be willing to put forth your best efforts in everything that you do because that is truly how we are able to create endless amounts of value for others.

You don't want to be known as the person who half asses things or doesn't finish what they started.

If you say you are going to do something, then you must do it and do it well because that is who you are and you actually care about your reputation.

You want people to look up to you for guidance because they know you will go the extra length to give them the clarity that they need.

If you do nothing hard enough, you get mediocre results at best.

I don't want anyone to feel mediocre because I want everyone here to want to be a part of something larger and give back to others.

So do yourselves a favor and go learn something new, but make sure you do it with pure intentions.

Your goal is to help others, not boost your own ego.

you must be able to find the balance of working hard, being diligent, but still also having somewhat of a life.

This is something that I don't know much about because to be quite honest, I don't have much of a life outside of working with horses.

But one thing that I can say about myself is that what I do for a living gives me life and for that, I am forever grateful.

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