My Take On Women Wearing Makeup

My Take On Women Wearing Makeup

The other day when I opened up my Instagram for suggestions on blog content, a friend of mine suggested the theme behind this post - she wanted to know my thoughts on women wearing makeup.

I thought it was an interesting topic because it is controversial to an extent and you all know how much I love teetering the line of triggering subjects.

I am aware that there are some women out there that care too much about makeup and there are some that care less about it.

As a man (and a simple one at that), I have a very neutral position when it comes to women wearing makeup. Simply put, if a woman wants to wear makeup, who am I to tell her otherwise?

Now, when it comes to being what men are attracted to, is a very different thing.

Most men, including myself, could give two shits less about a woman wearing makeup.

In fact, I personally prefer a woman without makeup on a majority of the time because I have always fancied natural beauty more than anything.

For me, I have always liked women in their most vulnerable state - whether it's first thing in the morning without any makeup on and still wearing the clothes she wore to bed, or when she is opening up the true depths of her soul and conversing something personal.

There is something about a woman getting out of bed in the morning with her hair stacked in a bun on top of her head, a morning face with no makeup on, wearing a big baggy t-shirt, and drinking a cup of coffee.

To me, there has always been a strong attraction to a woman that is able to be vulnerable around me, and carry herself professionally around others. Why? Because that is true authenticity.

I have mentioned before that men genuinely love when a woman is authentic because when she is her truest self, that is when a genuine connection can be built.

There is more beauty in authenticity than anything that has to be fabricated.

Authenticity is real, it is genuine.

There is nowhere to hide when you are truly authentic - you are who you are and people accept you for it or they don't.

With all of that being said, I do believe there is a time and a place for a woman to wear makeup.

When there is an occasion that requires a woman to have to get done-up, there is nothing more attractive than a woman that can get herself together to make herself look professional around others.

The keyword here is "professional".

I think there is a fine line between being professional and just being out to fish for attention - this in part is also for the choice of clothes she decides to wear in public.

To me, professional is keeping herself covered but can still see the contours of her figure, and makeup that is simple and elegant.

If she is beautiful, she is going to steal the show regardless of where she goes.

Now, if she is wearing extremely tight and revealing clothes, while caking makeup on her face to make herself look like an adult film star, I would consider this to be too far for my personal liking.

Granted, every man is different, but one thing people have to remember is that a woman is a reflection of her man.

The more professional a woman is in public or behind closed doors, the better and more respected she will make her man look to other people.

I am not a woman so I cannot say this with absolute certainty, but I have heard from women before that the shit they put in makeup ends up doing more damage to your skin, which in-turn forces you to have to keep buying more of it.

Maybe this statement is true, maybe it's not, but it wouldn't surprise me if this was actually the case because that is how a majority of businesses work.

The logical question then becomes, if makeup screws up your skin so you HAVE to use it, then what is the point of wearing it other than when you have to?

There are always going to be personal preferences and those are people's choices to make.

One thing I want to bring light to is that the more someone relies on something external to make themselves happy, the more they damage themselves internally for actually being able to be happy or find true peace of mind.

The more a woman relies on her looks and her appearance, the more she will end up damaging her self-esteem.

Take it from me, I was a bodybuilder for many years - everything that I did revolved around the way that I looked.

My life was eat, sleep, train, and pose.

At one point, I was experimenting heavily with PED's (steroids) to take my physique to the next level.

While my body looked great and I was the strongest I had ever been in the gym, I was NEVER happy with how I looked.

So, not only was I putting my health at risk physically, I was damaging my own self-esteem because I could never look good enough for my liking.

Eventually, I canned the steroids and just started focusing on going to the gym for my benefit to become a physically and mentally stronger man and my entire perspective has changed.

I have all the confidence in the world now because I know when I walk foot into the gym, it is to become a better man, not a better bodybuilder.

I think there is some wisdom here if you are a woman that relies too heavily on makeup because I myself, have experienced a life of relying on things to "benefit" me externally and my appearance.

To me, part of the human experience is learning how to build confidence, whether you are a man or a woman.

A confident woman is extremely attractive to men because a confident woman knows what she has to offer.

With that being said, there is 1000% a fine line between confidence and arrogance - both for men and for women.

Thinking you're hot shit and that you can have any man that you want because you're hot and get attention, isn't confidence.

Confidence is a woman that knows she can have any man she wants and chooses to be professional and not purposely seek attention.

The same rule applies for men.

Men that flex all of their money and their hoes genuinely screams little dick energy to the fullest.

Men that are loud are typically the most insecure.

Men that say "hey look at me and my accomplishments", are the kinds of men women should stay away from.

Real stoics carry themselves with pride and let their work speak for itself, not cocky and arrogant.

As we wrap this up, I would like to finish off this post by making one more point on my thoughts of women wearing makeup.

Eventually, most of us are going to have children some day and some of us will end up having daughters.

As a man, choosing the right woman as the mother of our children is extremely important because the children are a reflection of the parents.

I know for me personally, I want to pass down as many good values to my children that I possibly can so that they can grow up and be confident and respected people in the world.

If a daughter grows up with mommy never being "pretty enough", what is that going to reflect on her when she grows up?

Can we honestly sit here and say that we would want our daughters to eventually grow up and be insecure, having to rely on wearing a bunch of makeup to get attention or get boys to like her?

This is why having confidence and a baseline of morality is so important to men when choosing a wife.

We need to become confident and strong so that we can pass those same values down to our children and they can continue to carry on our legacy and be respected members of society.

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