My Take On Monogamy

My Take On Monogamy

What a time to be alive...

The sun isn't even up yet, I saw a rooster in the parking lot of a Wawa when I was getting my morning coffee, and now I am sitting here thinking about monogamy.

Monogamy is an interesting subject because it has been a part of human culture for quite some time. 

The idea of a man and a woman in a committed relationship to eventually raise a beautiful family and leave their mark on the world, is a beautiful thing.

One thing that I find interesting is that it seems that non-monogamous, and unfaithful relationships are more prevalent as time goes on.

I think the reasons why most people end up being unfaithful to their counterpart are pretty self-explanatory - attention.

Everyone is driven for attention.

Women cheat for attention just as much as men do.

Before we get into the nitty gritty of it, let's first talk about what cheating is, why men and women cheat, and the difference between men and women that cheat.

In its most basic form, cheating is simply an act of dishonesty of going against one's commitment to their partner in search for short-term pleasure.

What is interesting about disloyalty in relationships is the difference between why and how men and women cheat.

Men cheat for a few reasons: 1 - is for attention, 2 - their lack of confidence, and 3 - their lack of commitment. All three of these reasons are what make men, low value men.

Granted, I am not a woman, so I cannot speak with certainty as to exactly why women cheat but from my experience, their reasoning wouldn't be much different from men. I believe a woman's thirst for attention is primarily what drives her to be unfaithful to her counterpart.

There is a difference between the way men and women cheat.

When a man cheats, if it is purely physical, he is searching for a short-term form of pleasure and most of the time, would feel absolutely no emotional connection. However, when a man goes out of his way to spend his time or his money on another woman, that is when things start to get more difficult.

A man's time and his money are valuable assets because most men spend their lives trading their time for money. For most men, their pride comes from their work ethic and their ability to provide for their family. So, if a man wastes his time and his money on another female, this is cheating to its fullest potential, simply because he is destroying his pride and his reputation as a man.

When a woman cheats it is usually for attention - however, when a woman cheats, there is usually some form of emotional connection involved.

Sex for women is different than it is for men. Men can have emotionless sex with a woman and go about his day as if nothing ever happened. Testosterone is a powerful hormone and it is what drives a mans sexual desire. Naturally, a man could look at a woman and immediately think about sex. However, for women, sex is more of an emotional connection and biologically only seek that connection with one man.

Now, before people take this the wrong way, I am not advocating cheating or unfaithful relationships, I am stating the facts how I see them.

When a woman has sex with another man, there is some form of emotional connection she now has towards that man - it is biological programming. The problem is, society today tells women that it is okay for women to have emotionless sex with men because if men can do it, so can they. As I have said before, to each is their own, but the more a woman thinks and acts like a man, the more she devalues herself as a woman.

Now, what would drive a woman to cheat?

Because obviously, whatever attention she is seeking, she is not getting from her man.

I think it is more of a wake-up call for men than anything. If you're a man and your woman cheats on you, then you are doing something wrong.

If a woman decides to cheat on her man, then there is something about her man that she does not respect. Let's be honest, if her current man was charming, funny, a good protector and provider, mentally, physically, and financially strong, she would probably have no reason to cheat.

I am not saying that this is what all women want, but let's be honest, women respect men that are capable and work everyday at becoming the best versions of themselves.

When a woman truly loves and respects a man, she doesn't look at any other man because her man is THE man.

As a man, it is our duty to practice self-control, and become a capable and respectable man in every facet of our lives - to work everyday at becoming THE man.

Sure, you could argue that people cheat because of their past experiences and past traumas because past traumas do have subconscious effects on the human psyche - but this is where practicing self-control comes into play. I still think that if women focused on being respectable women, and men focused on being respectable men, people would have no reason to be unfaithful.

If a man is respectable, he is able to commit to things. His word is his creed and he is a man that does what he says, and says what he does. If a man breaks his commitment just because he wants short-term pleasure from an Instagram model, he is no real man, regardless of his looks or how much money he has.

As a man, it is our duty to set boundaries and make it clear what we are, and what we aren't willing to accept from our counterpart. We are the leaders and women will respect a man and his boundaries if he proves to her and himself everyday that he is a man that is respectable - a man that is driven.

There is absolutely no reason for a man to cheat on a woman. If she makes you unhappy, if she isn't being your peace, and you are doing what you need to do to be a respectable and capable man, then leave her! Stop being a bitch and leave her.

Ladies, if your man isn't providing you with an equal exchange of value for what you bring to the table, then leave him!

Everything is about having an equal exchange of value when it comes to having the right people in your life. If all you do is give and all they do is take, get rid of the problem and move on.

At the end of the day, men need to be men, and women need to be women. Regardless of modern day political correctness, both men and women have duties and value that they offer to each other.

Men - work hard everyday to become a respectable man, and be the man you say that you are. Protect your woman and your family at all costs and be a source of strength and positivity.

Ladies - work hard at becoming the best possible woman that you can become. A good man needs good, genuine feminine energy because through you, he will find his ultimate source of strength, and do everything in his power to make sure you have the life that you deserve.

It is a man's job to protect his woman physically, and emotionally. It is a woman's job to protect her man spiritually. Together, there is a special bond that forms that can't be broken.

This is what everyone wants, but it is also something everyone needs to work for.

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