My Take On Dating Apps

My Take On Dating Apps

I think it is fair for us to agree that we all now live in a very interesting period of time for the human race.

The fact that we live in a digital era has completely warped how humans interact with one another, how we communicate, and how we act as a whole.

We live in an attention economy now, and everything is about getting attention, whether male or female.

Humans would now rather use dating apps to find love, instead of working hard to become the best versions of themselves and pursue, or be pursued by someone who is genuinely interested in them.

To me, the thought of meeting someone you're supposed to spend the rest of your life with through a dating app, doesn't feel genuine. Why? Because technology has almost completely diluted the initial attraction one has when they meet someone at random, out in public - a real human to human interaction.

You know what I'm talking about... You see someone out and about and cant help but take your eyes off of that person. Something about them completely sparks your interest, like no-one else is even in the room. Dating apps don't give you this feeling.

In my opinion, dating apps were developed to consume the minds of its users, and push hook-up culture onto society.

Let's think about this logically - any man worth anything, isn't going to be spending his time on a dating app to find love... Because men of value are wanted by all women and don't need to waste their time on dating apps.

The same principles apply for high value women. Women with genuine value, don't belong on dating apps because women are constantly being sought out by men to some degree.

Now, I understand people in today's culture think it is a lost hope and that they are never going to find someone, so they resort to dating apps. But in my honest opinion, I think it is modern day programming.

Everyone is so easily accessible via the internet and people genuinely believe that it is just how it has to be - after-all, everything is about getting attention.

What I do believe is that men have retired from being men and most of them are too afraid to approach a woman they find attractive in public. So men either resort to dating apps because they lack confidence, they're lonely, or because they just want to hook-up.

I believe that women most likely feel the same way. Maybe they're looking to just hook-up, maybe they're not. But I would assume they also feel lonely to a degree - as if there are no good men left out there that are going to pursue them.

Now, I will state for the record before I sound like a complete hypocrite, I have used a dating app once before. But looking for love is not why I used it, I used it because I wanted to hook-up. With that being said, I have actually met genuine women with kind hearts that in my opinion, don't belong on dating apps.

I am not saying that everyone on dating apps have bad intentions, I am just saying that humans have gotten so far lost in understanding what it means to be a person of value that by default, they end up on dating apps because they believe there is no hope in physically meeting someone worth their time. To me, this is all programmed behavior.

If men spent their time becoming the strongest version of themselves, women will always be there by default. This is more than just looks, gentlemen - women like men that are confident, mentally and physically strong, and capable of achievement. It doesn't matter whether you're 5'9 and fat, or 6'2 and ripped, the game is exactly the same - get strong across all aspects of your life and the women will be there.

For women, the same exact rules apply. The problem with today's culture is that women genuinely believe they can think and act the way men do, for the same reasons men can. I will admit that to each is their own, I won't judge, but the more women try to think and act like men, the more they devalue themselves as women. It is simple, real men wont take promiscuous women seriously, and they wont bother with someone who tries to wear the pants and talk down to them. The "boss bitch" mentality doesn't work with real men, only simps.

It is obvious that dating apps are here to stay and to each is their own. I know there are people out there that have met their partners on dating apps and are genuinely happy together - I wish you all a lifetime of happiness.

Call me old fashioned, but I still don't think anything will ever beat the feeling when you see someone who sparks your interest and meet them organically. The reason being, you can feel the energy when you see someone that truly catches your attention - it's exciting. It is not the same coming from a phone screen.

The dating app is like taking a shot in the dark - maybe that person doesn't look the way they do in their photos, or maybe they have more than one screw loose when you finally meet them in person.

Whereas with the organic method, you see someone, there is immediate interest, you make it known that there is interest, and you find out right then and there if taking them out on a date is worth your time or not.

The organic method isn't broken, what I think is broken is how people view it - their level of desperation, their lack of confidence, and their lack of value. Again, all things that have been programmed into the fabric of the modern day human psyche.

You can and will never go wrong for working on being strong and confident, as a man or a woman. You will naturally attract and meet people with genuine value if you focus on the things that build your own value.

If you're a woman who likes to work out, maybe you will meet a charming male counterpart that is focused, at a small local gym and isn't trying to be a douche-bag for Instagram.

If you're a successful businessman, maybe you will meet the right woman at a company gala or charity event.

Fact of the matter is, there will always be opportunities if you focus on the right things. If you focus on the wrong things, then you naturally close yourself off from genuine opportunity.

I believe there is a person out there for everyone and how you choose to meet them is up to you.

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