Moving in Silence

Moving in Silence

It is often said that the one making the most noise in the room is often the most insecure.

It is natural for us to feel repulsed when we are in the presence of someone who does nothing but brag about their accomplishments to everyone else.

We all know at least one person who can’t seem to keep it shut when it comes to their accomplishments.

When we face these kinds of people, it is important to try and understand where that person is coming from, but it is also important to understand how it makes us feel.

Oftentimes when we come across those who are “loud”, we need to be able to assess whether we actually care about what the person is saying or if it creates feelings of envy and/or jealousy.

We also need to understand when we face people who have an insatiable need to brag about their accomplishments, it is coming from a place of satisfying their own ego.

This means that we need to be able to distiguish the difference between a humble brag, and those who brag to make noise.

The humble bragger is one who has paid their dues and allows their hard work to speak for itself without deliberately making a point to make themselves to be above others.

The noise maker, while oftentimes may appear successful, speaks to satisfy their own ego as a means of hiding from their truest selves.

In other words, the noise maker will often brag about the things they have done or accomplished to make themselves feel better about how they feel inside.

One of the most important things we can do in our pursuits of greater purpose is to first be silent and become a listener.

To listen is to learn.

In this sense, the more we are able to stay silent and listen to what others are saying around us, not only will it give us a better perspective of how people work and communicate, we can learn from those who have the things that we want.

If we can’t first master silence and the ability to listen, we may never find the things we are looking for.

In the beginning of any pursuit, there is a period of lonliness.

There is a moment of thinking that others won’t understand us for wanting to go out and pursue something that appeals to us.

The lonely chapter is the most important time to learn how to be silent.

The period of silence in the beginning is the period in which we develop our skills and our wisdom towards pursuing what we are trying to accomplish.

We must learn to move in silence to master critical skills such as patience and clamness.

The ability to be calm and patient is critical for success in any endeavor.

Being calm and patient breeds the ability to delay gratification.

It is understanding that while we might not have what we want right now, the more we can focus on our pursuit, the more we will eventually reap the fruits of our labor over a long enough time horizon.

We are always going to have to go through pain and dig through the trenches to have the things worth having in life - there is no way of escaping it.

If having the things worth having were easy, everyone would be happy and fulfilled, but nothing worth having is ever that black and white.

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