Merry Christmas To You All

Merry Christmas To You All

Today is Christmas and I would first like to start this post off by thanking each and every one of you.

Some of you have been with us from the very beginning and have been consistent readers of our daily blogs.

For that, I am forever grateful for you all and for those that have supported in the past and continue to support as we continue to focus on growing.

I also would like to personally wish you and your families a very merry Christmas.

I hope you all have enjoyed your Christmas with your closest friends and family, enjoyed some good food, and had a day full of joy and fulfillment.

Today's post isn't going to be anything spectacular.

We are not going to talk about our usual conversations that we do here on a daily basis.

The premise of today's post is more for me to share my gratitude with you all for sticking with me, continuing to tune in and read our daily posts, and showing support.

While I know that I cannot please everyone out there, I just want the people that have continued the support to know that you are appreciated.

Even for those who do not fully support, or for those that have yet to discover us and the meaning behind our message, I still wish you all a blessed holiday.

I consider you all to be family of mine because we are all God's children.

Whether you agree with what we write about here on this channel or not, none of that matters.

What matters is your ability to remain true to who you are, what you believe in, and do what is necessary for you to live a fulfilling life.

God gifted us all with the opportunity to experience life and it would be a disservice to our creator to not try and make the best out of it that we possibly can.

One thing that I want each one of you to remember this Christmas is that family is one of the most fulfilling qualities of life.

The last five years I spent away from my family during the holidays has made me completely forget what the holidays are even about.

Even today, I spent the entire day working on the ranch to come home and write this blog post.

I haven't spent all but 30 minutes with my family today, my first Christmas back home in five years.

I know that I am going to have to relearn how spend the holidays as I have grown accustomed to spending the holidays alone.

While the short term sacrifice might suck, the long term reward will be worth it.

Thank you all for continuing to tune in to our channel and I promise, we will continue to bring content and make a big push at the start of the new year.

I am grateful for you all and I wish you all and your families a merry Christmas, and a happy New Year.

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