Men Need To Have Manners

Men Need To Have Manners

One thing I was always praised for as a child, whether it was from friends parents or school teachers, were my manners.

My mother instilled in me from a young age that I had to have manners and treat people with respect, especially adults.

It is true that simple "please and thank you's, yes ma'am and no sir's" goes a long way for people. Simple communication tactic's such as using these, makes a world of a difference when you are communicating to someone - they instantly make you more respectful.

Even to this day, I still refer to a woman as "ma'am" when I am talking to them.

Having manners and being polite as a man is a respectable quality to have - it makes you more well-spoken, and it makes you that much more likeable by other people.

When it comes to women, being polite is an essential quality to have as a man. Most women naturally respect men that are polite and well-spoken - it makes a man more desirable.

Now, I am not saying for men to be polite so that they can woo women... I am saying that being able to show a woman respect by being polite will go much further than being a conceded asshole. Now, I will say there are some women out there that like conceded assholes, and to each is their own, but it is pretty clear that conceded men are not real men.

What makes a man a good man is his ability to be strong and protect the one's he cares for. We talked about the difference between selfishness and selflessness in a previous blog, and we went a little bit deeper into the concept that men do have to be a little bit selfish to become a capable man, but with the intention of becoming a better protector and provider for his wife and family.

Manners and pure intentions make men desirable and respected by women.

Simple things like holding open a car door for your lady whenever you two are going somewhere, or you choosing to walk on the outside of the sidewalk closest to the street are simple gestures that make a woman feel safe.

I have said before that it is not hard to please a woman. If you make a woman smile and make her feel safe, you will make her happy. That doesn't go without saying that there definitely are women out there that are harder to please, but they have been let down by enough men that they naturally default to wanting to be in control, or constantly needing to feel impressed by a man.

Every woman inherently wants to feel protected by a man, it is in their DNA. The only reason the human species has evolved to the point we are at now is because of men protecting women, because women create life.

There is more to to making a man a good man than just being capable of doing hard things - a man must be polite to make him an undeniably respected man.

I mentioned in my blog post yesterday that most women today don't even know what a true gentleman is because they have never been treated the way they are supposed to by a man. This is what I mean by being a gentleman.

A gentleman holds the door open for his lady, walks on the side of the sidewalk closest to the street, sits down at a restaurant where he can see the door etc.

A gentleman also communicates with his woman - he doesn't talk down to her and degrade her, and respects her body and her spirit.

I do believe deep down, people inherently know what to do. I believe we are at a point in time where everyone is so consumed by the outside world that they don't take the time to look inward and become self-aware of their situation.

Most men don't stop and think to open the car door for a lady when that one simple gesture could make her entire day. Men know they should, but they don't think about it.

I think taking the time to make yourself aware about being a man that is polite and has manners is something that every man should do.

There is no excuse why a woman should not have any idea how to be treated and respected by a man. It is our duty to protect them and provide for them, the least we can do is open a car door for them.

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