Men Justifying Infidelity

Men Justifying Infidelity

Today, there are a lot of men on the internet in the "pro-masculine" space.

While there is a lot of quality content for men to consume to learn the ways of man, there is also a lot of content that can be detrimental to the long term well-being of men and women.

Here at Playboy Ranchin' we try and break these controversial subjects down to provide you, the reader, with another perspective to try and bridge the gap between content that may be portrayed as being genuine with content that inspires a new outlook to promote one's ability to think for themselves.

In other words, my mission is to provide you with knowledge and skills in areas of your life that you may be lacking in by providing a new understanding based off of my personal experience.

Before we get into the meat of today's post, I first want to make it clear that my experiences in life will differ from yours, which will also differ from many of the people online.

The ability to think for oneself is derived from one's ability to take little nuggets of information from other people and apply them to your life to develop your own truth.

My point of view will differ from others out there and while what they perceive to be true may be their truth, it does not make it THE truth, the same way my truth may not be THE truth.

The point of consuming content is to allow you to question how others came up with their own conclusions to better prepare you to make your own.

With all of that being said, let's get into it!

Much of what I see online in the pro-masculine space holds many truths in which I have seen and experienced first-hand.

It is no secret that the way of man is to build oneself to become useful and to work towards something larger than himself for the benefit of not only himself, but for everyone around him.

However, much of what is out there isn't the whole truth.

There are many people online that preach the correct message of men being and acting like men, and women being and acting like women so that we can work together instead of being in competition with one another.

There are many facts and arguments that I do believe to be true and much of what I have experienced aligns with much of what is being said by others.

With that being said, I also believe there are many people online still missing the bigger picture.

For instance, one topic that I see, particularly in the Red Pill space, is this idea of men that are "high status" justifying reasons for acts of infidelity.

In simple terms, men that are seen as desirable by women being allowed to cheat in relationships because they are "high status" and because other women want them.

While it is true that men have a biological proclivity to procreate and it is embedded in male DNA to see an attractive woman and want to mate with her, this does not justify or give any man the right to turn his back on a woman that relies on him.

Just because a man is desirable by woman does not give any man the right to cheat, period.

When I see other men making poor justifications as to why it is okay for a man to cheat, it becomes more than obvious to me that these man do not fully understand the ways of man.

Sure, you can go back through human history and look at men of high status always having an abundance of women that comes as part of the territory, however, there is no logical argument that supports any such claim in the modern world.

The truth is, it doesn't matter how high status you are, how much you are able to financially provide for a woman, or how great of a man you are in your own mind, if you do not make a woman feel like a woman, she will lose respect and loyalty to you over a long enough period of time.

In my experience through years of being in male entertainment, I have met plenty of women married to highly successful men that eventually end up lonely and desperate for attention.

It's always "my husband works all the time and never has time for me", "my husband doesn't pay any attention to me", or "he still mingles with his secretary", and it is these women that eventually end up seeking attention from a younger, better looking male that makes her feel young and makes her feel like a woman for once in her life.

It is no secret that women live in a feelings-based reality - it is all about how you make a woman feel.

If you do not make your woman feel like a woman, if you do not make her feel wanted, and you do not make her feel respected, she will not respect you or remain loyal to you - she will always seek that attention elsewhere.

In today's world, women have all the options to get attention and obtain resources through sources like social media.

This is not like the days of old where women only knew a select few men in her town or village.

The truth is, no woman actually wants to be cheated on, so while she may rely on you financially, it does not mean she will respect you or remain loyal to you.

While you may pay all her bills, buy her nice things, and take her all over the world, eventually she will wake up and realize those things mean nothing to her if you do not make her feel respected or make her feel like a woman.

This is the part that I do not see anyone talking about online - it's always "build yourself into the best possible man, you can have any woman you want, treat her however you want, tell her to make you a sandwich, and cheat on her because you're a 'high value' man".

Nobody is talking about what happens to these women over a long enough period of time.

Nobody talks about what happens to these women when the novelty wears off and she becomes stuck because she relies on you for your resources, but no longer respects you and loses desire to be loyal to you.

If you think I am joking, just look at what happened to Tom Brady...

Here you are talking about a man that is objectively better than every man you see talking about this stuff online combined, the greatest to ever do something, highly successful, good looking man who was married to a supermodel.

He wasn't ready to give up playing football even though he had been talking about it for years and look what happened - his wife, the mother of his children, cheated on him with a ju-jitsu instructor.

This just goes to show that it doesn't matter how great you are who how great you think you are, if you do not make your woman feel wanted, make her feel heard, make her feel respected, or make her feel like a woman, she will lose respect and loyalty to you.

So, for any man out there, be highly cautious of the content that you consume because while there are plenty of men masking themselves as competent men, there is plenty of bullshit out there.

There is a reason why God created women - so that man can never be alone.

With that comes sacrifice - sacrifice in the form of your own short term wants and desires for the benefit of having a long term fulfilling life with a woman that protects your spirit.

These men that beat their chests and act like they are the "king alpha of all alpha males" are masking themselves as competent men so that they can remain predators to the world and to women.

Not to mention, many of these men that justify acts of infidelity are openly admitting that they think like women.

Any man that justifies infidelity is openly admitting that he thinks like a woman because it is women that justify poor behavior, not men.

If a woman gets a text from an ex and she replies its always "we are on good terms”.

Or if she responds to other men in her DMs it's "I don't want to be rude".

Or if she is wearing revealing clothing out in public or online it's because she's "comfortable with her body" even though it is an act of subconsciously seeking attention from other men.

Put simply, it is part of the modern feminine nature to justify poor behavior and lack taking accountability for their actions.

Do NOT become a man that openly admits he thinks like a woman and justify poor behavior because you fail to take accountability and fail to make a commitment to a woman.

What makes a man a man is his ability to commit to things and not just commit to things that are convenient for him, but commit to everything that he does, including a woman.

The right woman will be worth more to you than any amount of gold and God intended it that way - He did not intend for you to give in to your natural humanistic tendencies at the expense of someone else's well-being.

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