Men Do Not Make Women Into Wives

Men Do Not Make Women Into Wives

Today, we are going to discuss a topic that I think needs to be made clear for both men and women.

I made a post on my Instagram earlier today talking about men needing to be made aware of the difference between identifying women that want to be wives, versus women that are looking for husbands.

While I will not get into the nitty gritty of this topic because I have already written a blog post that goes into full length about what this means, I will touch on a few key points for the sake of today's post.

The difference between women that want to be wives, versus women that are looking for husbands is that women that want to be wives genuinely understand and respect men, while women looking for husbands do not.

A woman that wants to be a wife understands a man's basic needs and understands the fact that all men really want is respect.

On top of this kind of women understanding respect, she is nurturer and is her most authentic self, making her the kind of women that men find the most desirable.

Women that are looking for husbands do not understand that the good men they are often searching for, all genuinely want respect.

It is often the woman looking for a husband that believes that a man should just accept her for how she is, and this simply isn't true because a man does not need to accept poor behavior from a woman.

A man does not need to accept a woman that is promiscuous, talks to other men behind his back, hangs out with her single promiscuous friends, and that stays in contact with her ex boyfriends.

This is unacceptable behavior for both men and women and this is not behavior that men will ever value in a relationship with a woman.

The reason why I began today's post with this little synopsis on why men need to understand the difference between women that are actually wife material and women that are looking to be married is because men need to be made aware that they do NOT create wives.

That's right, men do not actually create the desire for a woman to actually want to be a wife.

Women that want to be wives create that desire and build themselves in such a way that makes them true wife material.

A man does not make a woman into a wife - she is already a wife when he finds her, and it is up to the man to make her his wife.

This means that there is a difference between women that date to be wives and women that date to be a man's girlfriend, see how things go, maybe talks to another guy somewhere in there, and downloads a dating app for shits and gigs, just to find herself with another man somewhere down the line to repeat the whole process over again.

This is why I am against dating apps and against the concept of serial dating because serial dating ruins women's chances at being able to truly settle down with the man that she desires.

When a woman's addiction to attention and seeking male validation is stronger than her desire for only one man, there is absolutely nothing that man can do to save her.

He could be the ideal man on paper, have every box on her list checked off, and still not be enough for this kind of woman.

This is why when a woman has been with too many men, she damages herself emotionally to the point where she will never truly be satisfied with just one man.

Always remember, the more men a woman has exposed herself to, the more men that have made an impact on her, and the probability of a new man walking into her life and solving all of her problems is nearly impossible.

I say nearly because as I have stated in previous blogs, I believe that a woman that has exposed herself to a lot of men could potentially overcome her impulse to seek validation from new men if she was 100% serious in finding God.

If she doesn't find God, no one man will ever be truly enough for her, and no man will ever be able to make her into the wife that he truly wants - men need to accept this.

This is why women that want to be wives understand that their value is preserved through their exclusivity from men.

Women that want to be wives are not exposing themselves to a lot of men and this is due to their extremely high level of self-respect.

In fact, the reason why these kinds of women respect men so much for being men is because of their undeniable self-respect.

We know that when it comes to respect, people will not respect others if they do not respect themselves first.

So when someone is constantly disrespecting you, it is because of their own lack of self-respect.

This is also why a man cannot turn a woman into a wife - she either comes as a wife or she doesn't.

A wife comes already knowing what she brings to the table and she is focused on how she can add value to a man's life, not thinking about what that man could do for her.

Now, I know what some of you may be thinking, "but Patrick, how can you say this when you're not even married?"

And the reason is because I have had enough experiences with the kind of women that are looking for husbands, and I personally know women that want to be wives.

The truth is, there is a night and day difference between how these two types of women think, feel, and operate.

I also know from personal experience that you cannot make any woman into a wife if she is not already wife material.

The woman has to actually want to be a wife and learn what it takes to have that kind of self-respect before a man is going to look at her as wife material.

With that being said, this is also exactly why men need to be and act like men.

If you are a man and you want a wife, then you must be worthy of the kind of a respect a wife truly has to offer you.

If you are a man and you truly want a woman to respect you, that is not talking to other men behind your back, texting her exes, or being promiscuous, then you need to be a man that is worthy of that kind of respect.

A man that is not worthy of having that kind of respect is not worthy of having a true wife, which can only mean one thing...

He has more work to do!

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