Men Are The Prize

Men Are The Prize

In a world that is ever-changing, modern dating has become a struggle for most people.

With the rise of social media and online dating platforms, people are naturally drawn to a fabricated way of life.

In other words, authenticity is a lost treasure in the murky waters of dating because most of what we see has no real value - it is all a matter of perceived value.

Just because something is perceived as valuable, doesn't actually make it valuable.

With platforms like social media and dating apps, things of surface level value have taken precedence over the real value that someone has to offer.

Today, more people tend to believe they are more valuable than they really are or have more to offer than they really do because of the surface level monstrosity that online dating has created.

Not to mention, this is just a fact of human nature - we all like to think we are better, smarter, and funnier than we really are.

Today, it is perceived that the top 1% of men financially have the most to offer women because of their resources, the same way beautiful women tend to believe they have the most to offer because they receive the most attention from men.

While having money and resources is essential to being a man in today's world, there is more that makes a man a man than his ability to make money the same way there is more that makes a woman valuable to men aside from how she looks.

The question then naturally becomes: "what makes someone valuable?"

While I do believe this is a layered question, the answer is genuinely simple: what makes anyone valuable are their values and how useful they are to other people.

What makes a man valuable is his ability to be strong in all facets of his life - physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially.

The process of what makes a man a man is what makes him valuable - his ability to be competent, confident, patient, in control of his emotions, diligent in his work, ability to think and solve problems, as well as having a high pain threshold.

In other words, what makes a man valuable is his ability to commit to things and not just things that are convenient for him, but commits to everything that he does, including his ability to commit to a woman and only one woman.

No amount of money that you make or how desirable you might be to women makes you a man.

What makes a man a man is his ability to commit to everything that he does and everything that he says he is going to do.

This is how men become capable and reliable.

No amount of bullshit arguments of being a "high status" man makes you a man if you lack the ability to commit to a woman and commit to carrying on your bloodline the way that God intended.

Men in their 30s and 40s chasing women around because they are "high status" are just little boys masking themselves as competent men and this is something that women must take into account when in the courting phase of a new relationship.

The reason why I bring this up is because if a man is in his 30s and 40s and still giving in to his biologic hedonistic tendencies, then there is no hope that a man like that will ever want to take a woman seriously.

From the ages of 16-26, this is the kind behavior you can expect from males because we simply do not know any better and this is the period in which we are getting what we need to out of our system.

If a man hasn't gotten it out of his system by that time, then the probability of infidelity becomes that much more probable.

Now, with all of that being said, time to get back to what this post is really about - men being the prize in relationships.

In today's culture, it is very easy for women to believe that they are the prize, especially if their inbox is flooded with DMs from men all competing for her attention.

While this might sound good in theory, it couldn't be further from the truth because the truth is that men are the prize in relationships, not women.

Just because a woman is beautiful or because she can cook and clean does not mean that she has anything of genuine substance to offer a man.

This may sound harsh at first glance, but I am about to explain why this is.

Men only see beauty as a valued commodity, which is something that men only value in short term encounters.

What men see as actual value in women is what they bring to the table.

Is she loyal?

Does she have self-respect?

Is she supportive?

Does she bring peace to the home?

Does she bring peace to your spirit?

Or, is she messaging other guys behind your back?

Is she still wearing revealing clothing out in public?

Is she still texting her exes and other men she has dated or used to talk to?

Is she still searching for attention from other men?

These are all questions men are asking themselves in the courting process of dating a woman because this is the difference between actual value and perceived value.

The reason why men are the prize in relationships is because of the things stated above.

Simply put, if a man actually commits to things and commits to everything he does or everything he says he is going to do, then he would be the prize for any lucky woman out there that he chooses as a wife.

At the end of the day, it is a man that is deciding to make a woman his girlfriend.

It is a man that decides to propose to a woman.

It is a man that decides whether or not a woman is worthy of having his last name.

This is why it is so important for men to court correctly when choosing to pursue a woman.

A woman must earn your time and attention and any self-respecting woman out there is going to make you work for hers as well - this is a mutual understanding.

This also means that you do not have sex with women right off the bat because as soon as a man decides to have sex with a woman, he officially hands her over all of the power because women are the gatekeepers.

A woman must earn the right to have sex with you because YOU are the prize, and if you are courting her correctly, you will know whether or not she is worthy of having you.

On top of that, the longer you make a woman wait, the more she will build desire for you and respect you for not only pursuing her for sex.

In other words, if she likes you, she will be ready to rip your clothes off if you make her wait.

This is a message for you gentlemen and ladies out there - we all want to be respected but not everyone is worthy of having it.

Those who pay their dues and consistently show up for you time and time again might just be something worth having.

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