Men And Women See The World Differently

Men And Women See The World Differently

We know by now that both men and women are very different creatures.

Men and women differ in terms of our biology, our psychology, our emotional state, our strengths and weaknesses, and our roles within society and relationships.

Men and women were not created equal in the sense that we were made to be in competition with one another - we were made to compliment one another and live together harmoniously.

Because we have different strengths and weaknesses, we are designed to work together, not against one another.

A major problem with the modern day feminism argument is that they argue women are supposed to be equal to men in just about every way.

If a man can get paid to do this job, then a woman should get paid the same.

If it is okay for a man to have sex with a bunch of women, then it's okay for a woman to have sex with a bunch of men.

Women today have been indoctrinated into believing that they do not need to depend on a man to have what they want in life - as if tens of thousands of years of human evolution didn't depend on men being men to protect and provide, while giving children to continue the progression of human civilization.

With that being said, there are things that woman are naturally good at that they can do better than any man ever could.

The ability for a woman to be soft, feminine, and a nurturer are all abilities that women are capable of that they do much better than a man ever could.

Women are also biologically capable to withstand an immense amount of physical pain, hence why they were given the duty of child bearing.

But what makes women so special to men is their ability to be soft and feminine - this is what men truly desire from a woman.

When a woman is able to predict a man's needs before he needs them, a man can't help but desire to be with her.

Assuming that a man is doing his duty as a man and is working to be the protector and provider of the household, the desire for a feminine woman is truly all he wants.

A man in his true masculine is always going to seek out a woman in her true feminine because we compliment one another by seeing the world differently.

What I mean by this is, women are emotional feelers and men are logic/facts based thinkers.

Because women are emotional feelers and men are logic/facts based thinkers, everything about how we view reality is going to be different.

How we handle situations are going to be different.

Our stress tolerance is going to be different.

Our ability to solve problems is going to be different.

This is ultimately why men and women are different - our biology aside, the way we view the world and how we choose to operate within it differs from the other and that is why we are made to live harmoniously with one another.

This is why God made woman as an extension of man, so that we can live together as one.

What many women do not realize is that men truly will never understand female logic the same way that women will never truly understand male logic.

Any man knows that when he is in the middle of an argument with a woman, it's always "I feel like...." and this is why men truly don't understand how women think because how is anyone supposed to argue against feelings?

You feel?

You feel what? I don't know what that means.

This is why men are logic based thinkers.

We deduct reasoning based off of the evidence we are given and try and make a logical standpoint to make sense of the situation.

When it comes to women, more times than not, it is purely reactionary because they are emotional feelers.

Reactivity is a result of emotions and feelings.

This is why when you see a man that is highly reactive and lacks control of his emotions, he becomes a liability to those around him.

What I think a lot of people get wrong when it comes to relationships is the idea of emotional intelligence.

To me, emotional intelligence is something that the man brings to the table, not the woman.

Yes, a woman needs to have control over her emotions to a degree because she needs to be able to express how she feels into words that make sense to men.

Because women are emotional beings, a man that is emotionally intelligent is going to need to know how to not only control his own feelings, but be intelligent enough to know that when his woman is having an emotional episode, he knows what he needs to do to level her back out.

That is the reality of being with a woman, gentlemen.

You have to accept that women are going to be emotional and feel like shit sometimes and it is your job to be able to figure out how to deal with it like a man, and figure out what she needs.

Men were not designed to be emotional beings the way modern society and culture portrays the way men should act.

Men that lack control over their emotions are weak men.

The reason why men now are depressed more than ever is because we have lost sight as to what it means to be a man.

Men lack purpose, drive, emotional intelligence, stoicism, confidence, and many more things that make men into men.

This is also why it is so easy for women to sit here and tell men that "it's okay to be in your feelings" because that is EXACTLY how women see reality!

Men are not emotional by nature and this is exactly why it doesn't matter how a man feels, he still needs to be able to pick himself up and do what he needs to do regardless of how he feels.

The reality is, while it is easy for a woman to sit there and tell a man that "it's okay" to be emotional and vulnerable, women naturally run at the first sign of weakness from a man.

It is in a females nature to seek out the best possible choice of survival and she finds that through a man that is physically, mentally, and emotionally strong and capable.

As soon as a man expresses vulnerability through lack of self-control or lack of control over his emotions, a woman is immediately turned off by him.

When it comes to value, men and women are also different.

In modern culture, it is normal for a woman to be single, independent, promiscuous, and also think in her own mind that she is valuable and has a lot to offer a man.

A man cannot do this...

A man cannot sit here and say "I am worth this" or "I deserve that."

What skills does he have?

What knowledge does he have?

A man's value is solely based off of the amount of skills and knowledge that he brings to the marketplace - skills and knowledge are things that a man must go out and earn.

In other words, society, or the market determines how valuable a man really is, not himself.

The same way that men determine how valuable a woman really is.

It is a man that decides to give a woman that he sees fit a ring and his last name.

Again, this is the difference between how men and women see the world because men understand women more than women understand men, even though men will never fully understand women.

A woman could have 20 boyfriends her entire life and not know a single thing about men, how we think, or how we operate.

Whereas, a man could have 20 girlfriends in his life and understand everything that he needs to know about how to please a woman.

This is the difference between logic thinkers and emotional feelers.

A woman with 20+ boyfriends might know what men want in the short term because men are extremely simple-minded, but it is an entirely different skill set in keeping a man then it is attracting one.

This is why when men see women being promiscuous or putting themselves out there to be accessible to men, they do not see them as being wife material.

While in a woman's mind it might be her taking advantage of an opportunity for the time being, men are thinking about it logically in the sense that this woman clearly wants to be seen by other men and doesn't actually want to be loyal to just one man.

Men are looking at a woman's actions more than listening to her words because this is part of making logical conclusions about if we are going to take a woman seriously or not.

Again, emotionally reactive versus logic, and this is the difference as to why men and women see the world completely differently.

We have always seen the world differently and we always will but that is exactly why we work better together, instead of in competition with one another.

Until men can wake up and start acting like men again and women can wake up and start acting like women again, it is going to continue to be a race to the bottom.

We need to understand each other better so that we can actually build ourselves to be suitable counterpart for the other, not continue to be in competition with one another.

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