Masculine Women Vs. Feminine Women

Masculine Women Vs. Feminine Women

I have said it before and I will say it again, I believe a lot of the reason why men and women are struggling to get along, at least in Western culture, is because neither knows how the other thinks or operates.

Today's post is for women to truly understand where a man's head is at when he is choosing a partner.

There are many women out there that want a true masculine man, but have absolutely no idea how to attract this type of man.

It is to no-one's surprise by now that we have seen men acting more like women and women acting more like men.

It has become incredibly mainstream for women in the Western world to push for having many of the same qualities as men, mainly in the career field, the feeling of independence, and being promiscuous etc.

More children are being raised by single parent households today than any other period of human history and for a simple reason: men collectively stop acting like men, and women stopped acting like women.

Both men and women have lost their place in a society that is programming its users to think that being a single parent household is "okay", and that men and women can be like each other.

I see many problems with thinking men and women are the same, in fact, many people around the world think the very same thing.

I was talking to a friend of mine who lives in a completely different country the other day and to them, modern American culture is the complete opposite of the culture they were raised in.

You go to other parts of the world and there are still men being and acting like men, women being and acting like women, and both live harmoniously to raise a family and instill those same values into their children.

In America and other Western countries, that same model of the traditional household was lost decades ago and hence, the rise of modern day feminism and other radical ideologies that ONLY exist in Western culture.

Now that we have introduced the background of today's topic, let's dive right into it!

The difference between a woman living in her masculine and a woman living in her feminine is very distinct to men.

Some typical qualities of women living in their masculine frame are independence, career-driven, money-driven, promiscuous, highly emotional, and lack confidence.

Whereas, a woman living in her feminine frame is soft, authentic, natural caregiver, conservative, and highly exclusive from other men.

A woman in her true feminine is focused on being a wife and a mother, whereas the women in her masculine is focused on finding a husband.

These are two very different perspectives because the woman that truly wants to be a wife, focuses on the things that make her a woman for the type of man that she will attract.

The woman looking for a husband is in constant search for something that suits her desires, and not so much focused on being the right woman for the type of man she wants to attract.

This is the difference because society is telling women that there is nothing wrong with being strong and independent who doesn't need a man and when the right man comes along, you can settle down and submit and be a good wife.

The reality of it is, men are not searching for a masculine woman that thinks she will follow his lead when she finds the right man, he is searching for the woman already living in that feminine frame of mind.

I do believe many people today are highly naive of the fact that people do not change overnight.

Ladies, if you truly believe that living in your masculine frame is something you have to do, you are lying to yourselves because you are choosing to live in your masculine frame.

Everything we are in life is a choice and people either choose to find peace within or they choose to continue bringing chaos into their lives.

A woman can choose to be feminine if she wishes so that she can be in a position mentally, spiritually, and emotionally to be accepting of a true masculine man.

What women need to understand is that a lot of what society tells you that men are attracted to is a lie.

Society thinks men are attracted to promiscuous women, or women that are hyper sexual, when the reality is that men love purity and sexual exclusivity.

Men are not looking at women revealing themselves sexually as being wife material.

A man doesn't want to see his potential wife posting her body all over the internet or talking about how much she loves sex publicly.

In fact, men are repulsed by this kind of behavior because that type of behavior is masculine in nature.

Society tells women that it is "okay" to be independent and be career-driven, when the reality is men truly do not care about either of these things.

I personally have nothing against a woman being independent and focused on building her career, but as a man, this is not something that I genuinely care about.

A man cares more about a woman's ability to be soft, feminine, and nurturing, not if she is capable of making a bunch of money and dealing with the same level of stress that he has to deal with by building a career for herself.

This is why men and women are different and were designed to live harmoniously with one another.

When a woman is living in her true feminine, and a man in his true masculine, each others strengths and weaknesses balance each other out.

However, when a woman is living in her masculine and a man is living in his masculine, the two often collide and this is how single-parent households become mainstream.

Women living in their masculine frame want a true masculine man, but often don't realize they are more suitable for a more passive man.

A passive man won't put up a fight.

The passive man will allow his woman to get away with poor behavior like posting revealing photos online, talking to exes and other men behind his back, going out to the clubs with her single friends etc.

This is the type of man that is more suitable for the masculine woman but the masculine woman by nature, doesn't want this kind of man and this why many women living in their masculine end up settling.

A man is never going to shy away from a truly feminine woman.

If you are a woman and you feel as if men are "intimidated" by you, you have a lot of work to do because there are gaps in your knowledge somewhere and there are things that you do not know that you need to find the answers to.

Many women today truly do not understand men, how we think, or how we operate.

A woman could have twenty boyfriends in her life and have absolutely no idea how men actually think, hence why she's had twenty boyfriends.

Men are very simple in nature - if you are soft, feminine, naturally catering to simple needs, authentic and true to who you are, and you have the ability to fully support a man and bring him peace, you are the kind of woman that no man is ever going to want to lose.

However, if you are the type of woman that is independent because you feel like you have to be and fail to realize that you are choosing that path, if you think that men would rather be with you because you love and are good at sex, or you think that men are going to be more attracted to you because of your ability to get attention from other men, then you do not understand men at all and you have work to do!

There are still good men out there and I believe that there will be more good men rising from the ashes in the years to come.

Good men are always watching a woman's actions, not the things that she says.

If she says she wants something genuine and is posting herself half naked online or swiping her thumbs off on dating apps, no man will take her seriously.

Ladies, this is not to beat you up, especially if you are a woman living in her masculine frame.

This is rather a mere perspective.

Many of the problems women have with men could be solved instantly if you just understood how men think and what men actually want from a woman.

It does not matter what you tell yourself and has everything to do with your actions.

You can tell yourself you are feminine all you want but if you are out there putting half naked pictures of yourself up online, then your actions are saying otherwise.

You must get clear in understanding how men actually think, what we want, and how we operate.

You also need to become hyper aware of your actions and what you are putting out into the universe because you are always going to get back what you put out.

Men do not give a shit about your cosmetics, plastic surgeries, or your current dating life - we care about your ability to be soft, exclusive, and a good mother.

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