Male Vs. Female Promiscuity

Male Vs. Female Promiscuity

It is obvious that men and women are different. We are different biologically, historically, and fundamentally.

While the modern day feminists would disagree, the reality of it is that men and women will never be the same and I believe it is simple as to why.

The most simple way to explain as to why men and women aren't the same and will never be the same is because men have built the world around us. The roads we drive on, the cars we drive, the houses we live in, the cell phone that everyone's lives revolve around, and even the internet was all designed and built by men.

The world is run by men.

Most big corporations today are run by men.

Wars are fought by men.

Now, I am not saying that women aren't capable of doing these things, but I think we need to look at the bigger picture here - men and women are inherently good at different things.

The reality of it is, men have been biologically programmed to do the hard shit since the beginning of the human race. It is men that built shelter, built fire, warded off predators, and hunted for food etc. while the women stayed and cared for the children.

Women are natural caregivers and it is a beautiful thing because they have the single most important job and that is to bring life into the world.

While men have built the world around us, it is a woman that has brought every single one of us into this world and this is why good men and good women make such a good team.

When a man does what he is supposed to do and a woman does what she is supposed to, they can both live in harmony with one another. This is the one tried and true method that has stood the test of time from the very beginning.

The truth is, men and women have never been the same and they will never be the same.

Even today with people claiming that there are more than two genders, and people now have the option to identify as a lollipop, men and women are still supposed to work together so that the human race can continue to live on.

Something that I find interesting about the modern day female narrative of being independent and not needing a man is the complete degradation of their value as a woman.

Oftentimes today, you will see overly promiscuous women claiming to be independent of not needing a man, then complain as to why they can't find a good man even though their entire lives still revolve around needing men.

Whether she is a promiscuous woman online, or she is promiscuous in the streets, it is still men that are feeding their bank accounts.

When something goes wrong, whether there is a fire or someone breaks into their house at night, they call 911 praying that they send a real man to come fix the problem for them.

So, while women have been programmed to think they don't need men, their entire lives still revolve around needing men otherwise they wouldn't have a house to live in, a car to drive, or even a road to drive on.

The problem with female promiscuity is that it breeds entitlement and as I have stated many times before, men are to blame for the entitlement culture overly promiscuous women now face.

What I think a lot of overly promiscuous women don't realize is that they completely degrade themselves as women by being promiscuous. Whether she is the woman online selling her soul for dollars, or she is in the streets sleeping around with a bunch of men.

Every single time a woman sells sex, she is selling part of her soul and part of her value as a woman along with it.

Promiscuous women oftentimes ask themselves why they can't find a good man to treat them the way they want to be treated and the answer is simple, they have sold every last ounce of value they had as a woman for sex or dollars.

The truth is, both men and women naturally do not respect promiscuous women simply because a woman being promiscuous is easy!

It is easy for a woman to sit there and sell pictures of herself naked online to men that are losers for them to load up her bank account.

It is easy for a woman to go out and get sex from men because they don't even have to work to get sex from men - they just simply exist and still get sex from men.

This is why oftentimes you will hear people say that "women are the gatekeepers" which is 100% true! If a woman is opening up her gates for anyone, whether its physically or for attention online, men are going to pillage and take everything she has left of value.

This is why women having high body counts is one of the largest red flags for a man. The reason why it is a major red flag is because if she has allowed that many men to use her for nothing more than short-term gain, what is to make a man of actual value think she has anything more to offer? Because she thinks in her mind she is valuable? Her actions speak otherwise and we live in a world where peoples actions carry more weight than their words.

Sex is a sacred bond between a man and a women and it is more of an emotional bond for women than it is for men. If a woman has been able to cut herself off emotionally to have pointless sex with a bunch of men, she naturally closes herself off from being able to experience that genuine connection with one man.

A woman that has been with a bunch of men could be with one man and still think about wanting to be with other men, which goes against a woman's natural biology.

A woman that has hardly been with any men, only seeks attention and sex from her man and no one else. This is partially why younger women are more desirable by men.

It is no different than the girl seeking attention and approval from men online. The more she puts herself out there to get attention from other men, the less she will appreciate the attention she gets from one man, and the less she will be valued by men of actual value.

Promiscuity for men works differently than it does for women and I know this from personal experience.

To a degree, men are respected for their ability to be confident and make themselves desirable by women - I will give you an example.

When I used to perform at Chippendales, not only was I desirable by thousands of women, but men respected me to a degree because of it. Even to this day when I tell men what I used to do for a living they will usually follow up with, "man, that sounds like the dream job!" Because what man doesn't want to be desired by women?

The thing that separates male promiscuity and female promiscuity is this level of respect - people simply don't respect the woman with a good body who puts herself out there, but men respect and women desire the man that has a good body and puts himself out there.

Like anything, I believe there are levels to male promiscuity though because there are some men out there that are overly promiscuous and take it completely overboard.

There are men out there who just like the chase and want as much sex from women as they possibly can and this is where men begin to lose their value and respect.

There are now being studies done that show that men that just chase sex end up up divorced or without marriage later on in life.

While it is inherently harder for men to get sex than it is for women, I think it is important to note that men that chase sex end up lonely and unfulfilled in the long run.

Self-control is what makes a man a good man. A man that lacks self-control and gives in to his sexual desires is no real man. This is why I preach that a good man is one that commits to one woman and one woman only because not only is it a commitment to her, but a commitment to himself.

If all a man does is give in to his sexual desires, he loses that ability to make commitments to himself just so he can live a life of short-term gratification.

I will admit that I have done things in my life that I am not entirely proud of, but one thing I have never done is chase sex from women - even though it was readily available to me whenever I wanted it at one point in my life.

I think the moral of this story is that promiscuity with men and promiscuity with women are different, but can lead to the same end result.

Overly promiscuous women completely degrade their value as women and end up lonely and depressed as a result. Meanwhile, overly promiscuous men who lack self-control will end up living a life of short-term gratification and end up lonely as a result.

The truth is, I have seen both promiscuous men and promiscuous women end up lonely and depressed in my life experiences. One thing that I am grateful for is being exposed to things that have given me more clarity on the matter.

I think it is relatively simple - women need to focus on being women, and men need to focus on being men so that we don't continue to have a culture of pure consumption and degeneracy.

While women can put a price on their bodies, they simply cannot put a price on self-control and self-respect.

While men may be able to justify a price on short-term gratification, they simply cannot put a price on the woman that they need.

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