Make Stress Your Friend

Make Stress Your Friend

Stress is something that we as humans experience regularly throughout the course of our lives.

When we are in a state of mental or emotional chaos, stress is the common outcome.

We can often feel stressed when there is an immense amount of pressure coming from an outside source.

Maybe you have a big project due at work with a short deadline and you feel the pressure of having to perform quickly and efficiently.

While stress can cause negative feelings and often cause us to shut down mentally and emotionally, it also has the ability to instill in us an immense amount of strength when harnessed correctly.

Some people thrive when they feel the pressure is on and their back is against the wall because it forces us to act quickly and make genuine use of our decisions.

Stress is something that is encoded into our DNA.

Dating back to our primitive ancestors, the feeling of stress was something that was felt quite often.

Whether it was in the face of imminent threat or searching for food when hungry, stress was the common response that was utilized to help us evolve.

When faced with an imminent threat, stress triggers the fight or flight response - the chemicals in our bodies prime us for these encounters when we feel like we are in the face of danger.

Have you ever been so worked up that you caught yourself shaking without any sign of it stopping?

Did your mind race in a million different places trying to think of potential outcomes to your situation?

This is the body and minds response to stress.

When we are stressed, the mind begins to wander in a million different places without any sign of it ever stopping.

Referring back to one of our more recent posts about practicing patience - the practice of patience is one strategy we can use when we are stressed.

If we are able to remain calm in stressful situations, we begin to think more clearly and see a direct path out.

This is much easier said than done, however if you practice patience, you will be able to reinforce your ability to handle more stress.

We can practice this simply through experiences - the more we experience being in stressful situations, the more confidence we can build as a result.

Even in times when your mind is racing in a million different places all at once, being calm is a strategy you can use to combat this mental strain.

You cannot think your way out if stress.

In other words, you can’t sit there and tell yourself to be positive and make the negative thoughts disappear.

You must take action!

You must be able to physically change the way you have handled stress in the past.

This is often why you will see people make physical exercise a priority when dealing with mental or emotional strain.

Something as simple as taking a walk is a way to get your body moving and redirect your thoughts.

The body and the mind are connected, and changing your physical behavior is one of the most efficient ways to change your thought patterns.

If you remain sedentary, you will remain trapped in your own mind and have a difficult time trying to get out of it.

This is why getting in good physical shape will be able to help shape your mind to better deal with stress.

The more willing you are to walk into the face of adversity, the more you will reinforce your capability for dealing with stress.

By making stress your friend, you will gain the confidence needed to think more clearly and not become a victim to your own mind.

Get up, get moving, and set yourself up to win even the smallest of battles.

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