Make Her Laugh

Make Her Laugh

One thing I will say that God gifted me with, is a sense of humor.

From the time I was a kid, I have always taken great joy in being able to make people laugh and smile.

I used to think that I used humor as a defense mechanism because I have spent a large portion of my life lonely and depressed. But as I have gotten older, I don't feel the way that I used to - in fact, I feel the complete opposite and I still find joy in making others laugh.

I think that now that I hold myself to an exceptionally high standard and I have built myself to a certain level of self-confidence, I don't question my ability to make people laugh - I just know that I can, and I do it because I enjoy it.

Growing up, I always wanted to be an actor/comedian because that side of me came so naturally - it always felt like God gave me something that I could use to live the life I always dreamed of living.

As I have gotten older, my perspective of myself, and my perspective on life has changed.

I would say the ability to have a good sense of humor is one of the most valuable skills one could possess.

Having a good sense of humor and having the ability to make people laugh will give you the ability to win, and have influence over people.

Now, I am not saying you use humor as a manipulation tactic. What I am saying is that making someone laugh has the ability to cut through any sort of social barrier another person may have.

Some people are flat out nervous having a physical conversation with someone else. Being able to make someone that doesn't feel comfortable laugh, will immediately make them feel more comfortable because you now become more personable.

Having a good sense of humor as a man is an extremely powerful tool, when it comes to women.

Women love a man that can make her laugh!

I have said it before and I will say it again, women are more simple of creatures than we like to give them credit for. No, they are not as simple as men, but once you understand how a woman thinks, you will understand that it doesn't take much to have a woman like you and feel comfortable around you.

While humor alone isn't going to win over the woman of your dreams, it is a valuable skill to help win her over. Women love to smile and have a good time. Spending many years as a male entertainer, I can concur that this is a fact.

If you make a woman smile, you can literally pull her out of her own reality in real time, and have her only be thinking about you. This is also why I said, we are not here to use humor as a manipulation tactic, we simply want to make a woman feel good.

Humor can easily be used as manipulation. A woman could have an entire family at home and still be thinking about some dude she met out in a random place that made her laugh for 5 minutes.

Humor is powerful, it's witty, and it displays a certain level of charisma that has the ability to captivate people's attention.

As a man, it is important to understand that women do love charismatic men, and they love men that can make them laugh. But it doesn't go without saying that women love confident men above all else.

When a man is confident, stoic, and has the ability to make people laugh, he becomes instantly desirable by women.

Once a man has reached the level of confidence where he can bet on himself every time, all he then has to do is focus on giving the one woman that brings him the most peace a great life.

The truth of the matter is, when a woman is truly in love with a man, she isn't thinking about any other man - it is in their nature to be protected by only one man, and that man is THE man in her eyes.

This is why it is extremely important to become a man that is capable of going through pain and hardship, while also being able to make your lady laugh, feel good about herself, and make her feel wanted everyday.

When a man does what he is supposed to, regardless of how he feels about it, he becomes a respectable man. Respect is all a man truly wants at the end of the day, and this is why men are more simple than women. The problem most men today face is they don't want to go through pain, they don't want to become strong, and they would rather sit at home and gawk over women online - these are not respectable men.

There are also the "city boy" type of men that just want to get money and have bitches - these are not respectable men and are in fact, losers.

You are NEVER going to get the girl that genuinely respects you by being a loser.

You get that girl by becoming strong, confident, stoic, driven, and by making her smile and laugh...

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