Make Fitness A Priority

Make Fitness A Priority

There is one feeling that I personally, could never get tired of, and that is the feeling I get after completing a hard workout.

Completing a hard workout is absolutely always going to give you the same feeling afterwards - pure satisfaction. You walked into a gym, laid it out on the line, locked yourself in mentally, and just went to battle with yourself.

There is a great sense of satisfaction when you make it through something stressful in life, but there is a greater sense of satisfaction when you purposely put yourself into a stressful situation and work hard to get out of it - it makes you stronger and you are aware of the newfound strength gains.

It is almost as if we were biologically programmed to be in good physical shape... Because we are!

Do you really think our ancestors were sitting around on their asses all day, eating Cheetos, drinking alcohol, and doing nothing but reading political bullshit on the internet all day, everyday? Absolutely not!

Our ancestors were pure savages and had to fight to survive. Men had to be in good physical shape to hunt for food, and women had to be in good physical shape to survive and protect the children.

Back in our ancestral days, men would trek up to 9-10 miles per day in search for food and shelter, while the women would trek up to 6-7 miles per day and care for the young ones.

When the fuck did anyone have time to sit at home, eat shitty food, and argue political nonsense with other idiots when we literally had to hunt or be hunted? The answer is never and people inherently know this to be true.

Things like politics are designed to keep peoples minds at unease over things they have absolutely no control over. Why would anyone waste time on something they have zero control over?

Why not spend your time on things you do have control over, so that you can live a fulfilling life and make a genuine impact on the world?

Why not be a man of production, instead of a man of consumption?

Why not become physically and mentally strong so that you can genuinely protect those who matter, instead of becoming a victim to the political system?

Everything around us is a trap, and that is how I genuinely view the world. Things like politics, social media, western world narratives, etc. are all designed to consume peoples minds instead of allowing peoples minds to flourish.

People have been programmed to only think about things they can't control, instead of things they can control.

Why should I care who the President is? I have no control over who the President is, even if he is a dickhead with absolutely zero competence. Sure, it is scary to know that a man who can't tie his shoes has the nuclear launch codes, but how does that effect me personally?

Why am I going to sit there and let things that other people say and do, effect me from achieving my life's purpose and my goals in life? These are things I have no control over.

The only things I have genuine control over are the things that I say, do, believe, and how I choose to let things effect me.

I choose how I let outside world effect me.

There is a time and a place for things like geopolitics because I do believe it is important to know what is going on around the world to some degree, while being able to identify opportunities. But if I let what someone else does or says effect me personally, then I am setting myself up for pure failure.

Sure, it sucks that inflation is through the roof because of a massive global fuck up. It is something that I have been effected by, but that is just more motivation for me to figure out how to make more money so that I'm not effected by it when it happens again.

Figuring out ways to escape the system are the only things I have my sights set on - I do this by becoming strong in all aspects in my life. For me, it all started in the gym.

I decided to make fitness a priority over 11 years ago. It is a promise and a commitment I have made to myself and continue to make to myself everyday because it is something I have full, 100% control over.

The last 11 years in the gym have taught me discipline, consistency, how to focus, delayed gratification, and how to become strong mentally and physically. All of these principles I can now apply to other areas of my life.

Focus is something that I talk about quite often. In fact, I wrote an entire e-book on focus and the importance of attentive focus in the gym to get the most out of your workouts. I wrote "Elevate and Accelerate" because I believe attentive focus is something that can be learned - you just have to be willing to put the work in.

If you start every single day with a routine to get you started on the right foot, it is almost impossible to lose the day.

For me, I have always gotten the best results by starting my day with coffee, a good read or something to stimulate my mind, and immediately hitting the gym after to get my workout in.

Making fitness a priority isn't about going to the gym and going through the motions. You have to go into the gym with the intent of becoming a better, stronger version of yourself.

Intent is everything when it comes to building your own value.

If my intent is to go into the gym just to go through the motions and "try" to stay in decent shape, then how am I going to be fulfilled?

If my intent is to go into the gym to become a better, stronger version of myself and do the work that I say that I am going to do, how am I going to lose? How am I going to lose at anything if my intentions are pure?

I'm not saying you need to go into the gym and get jacked out of your mind. What I am saying is that making sure you are in good physical shape and good health, needs to be a priority.

Making fitness a priority is a choice, just like everything else in your life that you have 100% control over.

If your goal is to be average and be a victim of the system, that is fine, I won't judge you either way.

But my goal is to become the best version of myself so that the people that I care about in my life, can enjoy their lives to their fullest potential.

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