Love and Fear

Love and Fear

Fear is a double-edged sword - on one side, it can serve as a motivator to take massive action, while on the other, it has the adverse effect in that it can cause one to not take any action at all.

Fear is a highly emotional state of mind and often evokes many of the negative emotions we experience as humans.

Fear of missing out, fear of never being good enough, fear of the unknown - what all of these things have in common is that they trigger natural responses in our brain to fight or flight.

In life, there are two types of people: those who fight, and those who flight.

Those who fight will take massive action when in the face of adversity, regardless of how fearful they be in that moment.

Those who flight will shy away in the face of adversity, not wanting to bear anymore risk, and take no action at all.

How we process fear and the emotions that come along with it will ultimately determine what kind of person we are and who we are to become.

Love, like fear, is also a highly emotional state and often evokes many of the positive feelings we have as humans.

Feelings of warmth, calmness, peace, stability, and safety are all feelings that are rooted in love.

To love is to act in kindness and serve a greater purpose - to benefit not only yourself, but everyone around you.

The interesting that I find about both love and fear is their ability to balance each other out.

In some cases, it is okay to be afraid as it is something that is a natural part of the human experience, but the worst part about being afraid is letting the fear get the best of you.

At the same time, you also don't to act purely on fear as this reactive state of mind could potentially cause more harm than good.

Instead, we need to find the balance by acting on fear by moving with love.

If we know that fulfillment and peace are on the other side of fear, then it is our duty to think about and execute the best possible way to find that peace without causing ourselves or anyone around us harm.

Of course, this is always going to be much easier said than done because we are human and we all make mistakes, there is no escaping it.

But the more we can understand how to love ourselves to better love those we care for the most, the more we will find peace and fulfillment in life,

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