Looking For A Husband Vs. Being A Wife

Looking For A Husband Vs. Being A Wife

As we have alluded to previously, there is a very large difference between a woman that is looking for a husband, and a woman that truly wants to be a wife.

Before we get into it, I just would like to point out that there is a very large difference in the quality of men a woman will attract depending on if she truly wants to be a wife or if she is just looking for a husband.

A woman looking for a husband is searching for security.

She is either fed up dealing with shitty men, or she is highly insecure and is unfamiliar with what it will take for her to attract a good man.

This does not go without mentioning that women that are typically highly insecure, are insecure because of their failed attempts with men.

This is also why women tend to become more masculine. defensive, and independent because of their past failed attempts with men.

Usually women that are highly insecure and masculine in their nature, often desire the thought of having a man more than they do taking care of their own well-being.

Typically women looking for husbands do not choose well when it comes to men and oftentimes choose men that are equally as insecure, or highly emotional.

This can serve as a very large problem for a woman later on down the road.

If a woman is single in her later years, it is because she feels she is finally ready to settle down and at that point, will be ready to settle with anything that somewhat resembles security.

When a woman has had a traumatic emotional past with men, she tends to become addicted to seeking validation from other men, even if she tells herself that she is in love with the man she is with.

When she finally feels she is secure with a man is when she will typically start reaching out to other men because once a woman is secure with a man, she no longer sees him as a man to validate her.

Now, I know this may sound like I am beating women up, but lets look as to why this is.

We have talked many times previously about the psychological effects that trauma plays on the male brain and the female brain.

As we have stated previously, women are highly emotional beings and are often not equipped with the same tools to handle their emotions the same way that men are.

So, when a woman has been let down by enough men in her past, she develops a very particular behavior pattern of seeking validation from other men.

Eventually over a long enough time frame, once she has realized that good men aren't paying any attention to her, she will feel that she needs to settle down and will often choose a man that can provide her with some sort of security, even if it isn't the man she truly wants to be with.

There are many women out there that all feel this exact same way - I have met plenty of them, I have talked to many of them, and I have dated plenty of them.

I have been able to distinguish very set behavior patterns versus something that is actually genuine.

Women that are looking for something genuine are highly respectable in all areas of their lives.

Women that want to be wives are not seeking attention and validation from men because they realize that their time, attention, and their bodies are important to them.

That is a big difference from a woman looking for a husband versus a woman who wants to be a wife - a woman who has shared her body with large amounts of men is less respected than the woman who has barely shared her body with anyone.

This is why a woman's past will always mean more to men because if a woman has shared her body with more than ten men, she biologically damages her ability to pair bond with just one male at the hormonal level.

This is not just a man using logic, there is legitimate science to back up this claim that the more a woman has shared her body with other men, the less able she is to be with one man and one man only.

A woman that truly wants to be a wife understands this concept and chooses to not put herself in situations to get attention from men.

Good men will naturally gravitate to the woman that wants to be a wife, which is why women looking for husbands often feel like there are no good men left, which is true to an extent.

The good men are usually taken by women that are pure and have something genuine to offer that isn't just sex, pleasure, or having a woman make him look good for a couple of months until he finds someone else.

When a woman puts herself out into the marketplace leading with sex or seeking male attention, she will only attract men that want her for that.

Good men are not looking at women posting bikini photos online as wife material - if she thinks men in her DM's want to get to know her, she is lying to herself.

If a woman is out shaking her ass at the club or wearing revealing clothing out at a public venue, good men are not looking at her as wife material.

When a woman is dressed professionally and walks around with real confidence, every man wants to know what she is up to.

This is how it goes!

Ladies, you are only going to attract shitty men the more you put yourselves out there to be taken advantage of or just be another option for men.

When a woman puts herself out there as an option, whether it is on social media, or a dating app, men are only going to see and treat her as such.

This is why good men are not looking your way when you post yourself half naked online or being a degenerate out in public.

You are only going to continue to attract shitty men until you reach the point that you are ready to settle down and you will choose a more passive male that is insecure because he is the only one that will allow you to continue to move along with your bad behavior.

When a woman wants to be a wife, she moves differently, she is more confident in who she is as a woman, and knows exactly what she brings to the table.

The reality of it is, most men today fucking suck!

I know this because I myself am a man and I have gone through the different stages personally, so I can speak on behalf of men when I say that most men genuinely suck these days, but there are still plenty of good men.

I have been through the adolescent stages of manhood and I realize just how much my mindset has changed as I have gotten older.

When I was younger, I used to think the idea of having a super hot Instagram model would be cool.

The idea of all of these different men showering my girl with all of the attention and knowing she was coming home to me fueled my ego.

The thought of entertaining porn stars was cool to me because I have experienced this personally.

I even dated a Maxim Magazine cover model who only got attention from men her whole life.

But I realized as I got older that these types of women truly wanted nothing about being a wife and were only looking for husbands.

They were only looking for men to make them feel better about themselves temporarily until they went right back out doing what they do best, seeking attention from other men.

As I have gotten older, I realize that all of these women that men drool over 24/7 is a facade.

I am at the stage in my life now where I want a wife - I want a woman that is undeniably loyal, not talking to other men behind my back, remaining highly exclusive from other men online or in public, and truly supports me and my dream.

This is what most men want and the more I continue to build myself into a man that is capable and willing to go through anything to get to where I want to be in life, the more it all begins to make sense to me.

You can see straight through peoples lies when you are focused on becoming the best version of yourself - you realize who is and who isn't worth your time.

But as a man who is building himself, you begin to notice just how many men out there are clueless as to what it takes to be a man that is committed to everything that he does, and who is actually capable and not capable of being a true protector for a woman.

With that being said, I do still see plenty of good men out there that will only entertain women that want to be wives, not women looking for a husband.

There are still men out there that truly want a wife to protect and provide for, to be there to support her emotionally, and lead her through battle.

You cannot honestly sit here and expect a man to want to lead you if you are constantly seeking validation from other men, that's not how this works.

If you want a man who is a man, you need to be a woman and have those genuine feminine qualities that make you as such.

If you want a man in his true masculine frame, then you need to be a woman in her true feminine.

I see many masculine women saying they are "waiting" for a man to come in and lead them so they can submit to him - this is not how it works.

If you want to attract a good man, then you need to be in a place that is accepting of a good man, otherwise you will continue to attract shitty, insecure men that will leave you uncertain.

If you want a good man that will love you, protect you, and lead you the way that you want, you need to be living in your true feminine because by doing so, men in their masculine will naturally find you because now you have something of genuine substance to offer him.

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