Life Of Principles

Life Of Principles

Just about any human could benefit their own lives by establishing set principles.

Principles serve as a foundational truth in one's system of beliefs and behaviors.

Possessing strong moral values serves as an example of principle in the sense that one abides by the truth of their own moral ethics - they believe and abide by things they see as morally correct, and choose not to partake in things they see as morally incorrect.

The beautiful thing about establishing principles is that it gives us our own personalized rule book on how we should live our lives, which, in turn, will strongly effect our character.

These rules give us a stronger sense of identity.

The more we can abide by our own rules, the more we create proof in being the person we say that we are.

It is natural for most humans to fly by the seed of their pants and take things as they come.

Part of this is because of the strong human urge to seek immediate gratification, especially in the modern world.

Taking things as they come requires very minimal thinking effort on our behalf and we simply react in the moment to fulfill some short term want and desire.

However, if one values the true meaning of living by way of principle, they can override the natural human urge to seek what they want in the moment.

This is no easy task to say the least.

Establishing principles requires discipline and consistent efforts to develop a pattern of behavior that allows you to live within the confinements of your own rules and boundaries.

It's not like you can just wake up one day and decide that this is how you want to live your life from now on - it needs to be put into practice everyday, and this is why discipline is a strong deciding factor if one is capable of living up to their own principles.

Discipline, in short, is a matter of doing the things you don't want to do but doing them anyway because while you might not want to do them, they are driven by purpose to reach a desired outcome.

When a man displays that he is a man of principle, he is often more respected by his peers.

Living by way of principle is a respected quality for any man to possess because of everything we have described thus far: it shows that he is a man of strong moral character, that he is discipline and consistent, and that he can prove that he is who he says he is through his actions.

This does not go without mentioning that establishing principles as a woman is also highly respected and valued by men and peers.

Living within a set of personalized rules can help just about anyone in their long term mission in life.

The more we can prove to ourselves that we are who we say that we are, the more we will display that onto others.

We build confidence along this journey and we suppress our need to fulfill our short term gratification for the long term benefit of our purpose.

We establish a stronger sense of character and trust within ourselves the more we practice living by our own principles.

The more we can trust ourselves and our ability to provide value to others, the more others will find us trustworthy in return.

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