Leading The Next Generation

Leading The Next Generation

The world changes almost seemlessly with each day that passes.

The world that we live in today is mostly technoligically driven.

In other words, as humans, we rely more on technology today than we ever have in any period of humans history.

This also does not go without mentioning that the rapid advancement of technology in the last 20 years has increased at a rate that is completely foreign to us.

It seems like it was yesterday the first flip cell phone was created, to now having a miniature computer in our hands everywhere we go that tracks our every move.

To no surpirse, the future of our species is going to rely heavily on our ability to synchronize with technology.

For the older generations, this sychronization process is much harder than it is for the younger generation and the generations to come.

Today, the younger generations adapt almost seemlessly to this new world of being.

With that being said, while technology has seemingly made our lives easier in many respects, it has also made our lives difficult in many other ways.

We live in an information era, where any kind of information we are seeking is available at our fingertips at any minute of the day.

We can also come to the conclusion that there is information out there that supports just about any bias, meaning that just because the information exists, doesn’t necessarily make it true.

The cost of this new age of misinformation has resulted in the loss of traditional wisdom - things that the previous generations have had to go through to get to where we are now.

Much of traditional wisdom and values lies under the old addage of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”, meaning that core fundamentals of living a fulfilling life lies in the days of old.

There is nothing wrong with a man wanting to be masculine and be useful, much like there is nothing wrong with a woman wanting to be feminine and raise a family, regardless of what may be considered “socially acceptable” by modern day standards.

In fact, the reason why we have got to this point in time is by men being men, and women being women.

Some reading might ask “what does this have to do with the younger generations?”

The answer is simple - it has everything to do with the younger generation!

The young mind is malleable and only knows what it knows, and most of the younger generation today only knows what it consumes via technology.

When we think about leading the next generation to make a positive impact on the future, we have to think about values of old and how they apply to the world we live in today.

This is why the younger generation needs leaders!

The young minds of the world need people to look up to to feel empowered so that they can go out into the world and make their mark on history.

Part of leading the next generation is being able to bridge the gap between what values have worked and stood the test of time of human existence with the direction in which the world is going.

Being able to utilize values that have made people feel strong, useful, empowered, and fulfilled in life with the new wave of technology that is to come.

It is important to note that no drastic change is going to happen overnight, but every long term positive outcome has to start somewhere.

If we start today, we may not see the results of our efforts for another 10, 20, or even 30 years, but at least we know that we made our mark on the world by inspiring those who are looking for someone to look up to.

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